
  • 晚风劲吹 Vento di terra


    导演:温琴佐·马拉   编剧:温琴佐·马拉

    主演:Vincenzo Pacilli, Giovanna Ribera, Francesco Giuffrida, Edoardo Melone, Vincenza Modica, Francesco Di

      “穷人老是去打别人的仗”,Michael Moore的文本过于简化,背后有血有肉的故事才给你看到世界今天沦落到什么地步。父亲死后安素的家顿时瓦解,妈妈精神崩溃,妹妹跑去车厂当生产线工人,他苦寻工作无望,想去偷去抢,都闯不过良心一关,和女友闹翻之后决定投军,却从科索沃带回一生的烙印。看不见希望的少年走在败落的那不勒斯城郊,不也正是半个世纪前维斯康提镜头下洛可兄弟的窘迫?不管对白、音效、运镜或叙事风格皆含蓄跳脱的马拿,是义大利新电影新希望所在。

  • 同床异梦 Ricordati di me

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:加布里埃莱·穆奇诺   编剧:加布里埃莱·穆奇诺, 海德鲁·施莱夫

    主演:莫妮卡·贝鲁奇, 法布里齐奥·本蒂沃利奥, 劳拉·莫兰特

      人过中年的瑞斯图西亚夫妇生活优渥、饮食无忧。然而富足的物质条件总与匮乏的精神状况形成鲜明的对比。担任公司高管职务的丈夫卡罗(Fabrizio Bentivoglio 饰)与妻子激情不在,在某次同学会上他重逢了已为人妇的昔日恋人爱莉西娅(Monica Bellucci 莫妮卡•贝鲁奇 饰),他们的爱火重燃;妻子吉莉娅(Laura Morante 饰)为了家庭放弃自己钟爱的舞蹈事业,在好友的帮助下,她走入话剧圈真正去做一件自己想做的事情;19岁的儿子保罗(Silvio Muccino 饰)孤独无助,缺乏认同感,他只希望融入其他的同龄人中;18岁的女儿瓦伦蒂娜(Nicoletta Romanoff 饰)一心走上电视荧幕,为此不惜出卖肉体。

  • 消防员 I pompieri di Viggiù

    类型:喜剧片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:马里奥·马托蒂(Mario Mattoli)   编剧:Marcello Marchesi

    主演:Nino Taranto, 托托, Vanda Osiris

  • 孽欲狂情 Delirio di sangue


    导演:Sergio Bergonzelli   编剧:Sergio Bergonzelli, Raffaele Mertes

    主演:John Phillip Law, Gordon Mitchell, Brigitte Christensen, Marco Di Stefano, Olinka Hardiman, Lucia Prato

      在他的爱妻去世后,心里不平衡画家本认为自己是文森特·梵高的转世,于是他挖出她的尸体 - 与他的恋尸癖管家的帮助下 - 将其带回给他的城堡,并用它赋予“灵感”。很快他就遇到一位美丽的音乐家,她的长相相酷似他已故的妻子,他将她带回自己的城堡。然而,她最终发现了他们的秘密:管家杀害了这个年轻女子并用她的尸体的血液当作他们 “生命的色彩” - 艺术家的颜料

  • 爱的火花 Il vizio di famiglia


    导演:Mariano Laurenti   编剧:Cesare Frugoni, Gianfranco Couyoumdjian

    主演:艾德薇姬·芬妮齐, 列薇思·纳瓦罗, 朱丽叶特·麦涅勒

      When Giacomo D'Amato is released from jail he is immediately employed by Magda, in a plot to secure her the heritage of the count. But there are other players in this game too, and Giacomo has his own agenda.

  • 美女莫妮卡 La zia di Monica


    导演:Giorgio Mille   编剧:Giustino Caporale

    主演:Gianni Dei, Charles Duval, Ugo Giorgetti, Eleonora Green, Magda Konopka

      Two women share a tragic and supernatural destiny that binds them together even after death. Monica Serrano, a world-renowned pianist with an impressive fortune, dies after the betrayal of her ambitious niece and the man she yuankan.cc loves. But by way of a mysterious talisman, Monica's soul, which does not accept departing from this world, occupies the body of Adriana Aguilar, a modest waitress that dies at the hands of a dangerous gangster. Now, in Adriana's body, Monica's soul will do the impossible to defend her children and seek justice while Adriana's soul wanders this world. Motivated by love, Adriana decides to recover her body, but Monica will resist this until her mission has been completed.

  • 吉柯摩的夏天 L'estate di Giacomo


    导演:亚历山德罗·科莫丁   编剧:亚历山德罗·科莫丁

    主演:Giacomo Zulian


  • 罗马的对话 Il Dialogo di Roma


    导演:玛格丽特·杜拉斯   编剧:玛格丽特·杜拉斯

    主演:Paolo Graziosi, Anna Nogara

      "The subject of this film is the conversation between a man and a woman. A couple, maybe lovers, maybe married, it doesn't matter. (...) During this conversation, we do not see but the city of Rome. I wanted to transmit that what Rome provokes in me, the feeling of an intrinsic matter, indissoluble, in difference with Paris, made of small parks and open spaces, crossed by the s...

  • 撒旦的木偶 La bambola di Satana


    导演:Ferruccio Casapinta   编剧:Ferruccio Casapinta, Giorgio Cristallini, Carlo M. Lori, Alfredo Medori

    主演:Erna Schurer, Roland Carey, Aurora Bautista, Ettore Ribotta, Lucia Bomez, Manlio Salvatori

  • 撒丁岛绑架案 Sequestro di persona

    类型:惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:吉安弗兰科·明戈齐   编剧:吉安弗兰科·明戈齐, 乌戈·皮罗

    主演:弗兰科·内罗, 夏洛特·兰普林, 弗兰克·沃尔夫

      Christina Fisher arrives in Sardinia to spend a holiday with her university friend, Francesco. As they are touring the island, they are trapped by mountain terrorists. Francesco is kidnapped, but Christina is permitted to leave. She is determined to contact the police, but is persuaded not to by Francesco's best friend, Gambino. Together they try to find the kidnappers, but she...