
  • 乡间僻静处 Un tranquillo posto di campagna

    类型:悬疑, 恐怖, 奇幻

    导演:埃里奥·贝多利   编剧:托尼诺·格拉, 埃里奥·贝多利

    主演:Franco Nero, Vanessa Redgrave, Georges Géret

      A popular painter, plagued by nightmares that he and his lover/sales agent are engaging in bizarre, ritualistic, sadistic sexual acts, seeks to escape the city and rent a house in the country.

  • 小男孩 Le petit garçon

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:皮埃尔·格兰尼亚-德弗利   编剧:皮埃尔·格兰尼亚-德弗利, Florence Philipponnat

    主演:Jacques Weber, Brigitte Roüan, Stanislas Crevillén

      A drama about an 8-year-old boy's first experiences of love and betrayal while living in the French countryside during World War II.

  • ITバブルと寝た女たち


    导演:佐藤太   编剧:家田庄子(原作)

    主演:三津谷叶子, 金子升, 三浦敦子, 七世一树, 家田庄子, 中岛宏海

      A girl who went to Tokyo to dream of the entertainment world from the countryside falls in love with a young IT venture male overnight.

  • 表哥朱尔 Le cousin Jules

    类型:剧情, 纪录片

    导演:Dominique Benicheti   编剧:Dominique Benicheti

    主演:Jules Guiteaux, Félicie Guiteaux

      An ode to rural France and the simple joys of life, Dominique Benicheti's glorious masterpiece COUSIN JULES captures the daily routine and rituals of Jules, a blacksmith, living with his wife, Felice, on a small farm in the French countryside.

  • 女孩与歹徒 Bobbie Jo and the Outlaw

    类型:剧情, 犯罪

    导演:Mark L. Lester   编剧:Vernon Zimmerman

    主演:Lynda Carter

      A young country-star wannabe takes off from her carhop career to join with a young, modern Billy the Kid wannabe for an adventure in theft, murder and mayhem.

  • 加泰罗尼亚:独立运动面面观 Two Catalonias


    导演:阿尔瓦罗·隆戈里亚, 杰拉多·奥利瓦雷斯   编剧:


      A documentary that tackles the ideological conflicts surrounding the December 21 election in the country, to the push for sovereignty and subsequent parliamentary declaration of independence and the aftermath.

  • 追逐着光芒 光を追いかけて

    类型:剧情, 科幻

    导演:成田洋一   编剧:成田洋一, 作道雄

    主演:中川翼, 长泽树, 生驹里奈, 柳叶敏郎, 中岛塞娜, 骏河太郎, 小野塚勇人

      A stunningly beautiful coming-of-age story set in a village in the Japanese countryside, where a crop circle appears one day.

  • 柯南无国界:意大利 Conan Without Borders: Italy


    导演:   编剧:


      Conan visits various sites throughout the country and brings along fan favorite staffer Jordan Schlarsky; he takes a whirlwind road trip to meet the people and enjoy Italian food and culture; Conan appears on an Italian soap opera.

  • 岛国总统 The Island President


    导演:Jon Shenk   编剧:

    主演:Mohamed Nasheed

      Follows the globe-trotting journey of President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives, the lowest-lying country in the world, who, after bringing democracy to his country, takes up the fight to keep it from disappearing under the sea.

  • 乱 -みだれる-


    导演:浜野佐知   编剧:山崎邦纪

    主演:Kyôko Sawamura, 山本夏树, Kan'ichi Hiraga

      Followed by two guys in a van, two girls find themselves in a secluded country house. Then, they are forced to dine with a perverted grandpa on a wheelchair.