
  • 玛莎·阿格丽奇-夜话 Martha Argerich, conversation nocturne

    类型:纪录片, 音乐

    导演:Georges Gachot   编剧:

    主演:Martha Argerich, Nelson FREIRE, Friedrich GULDA, Edouardo HUBERT, Mauricio VALLINA, Wurttembergisches Kammerorchester, Jurg FAERBER

      2002年,一向厌恶摄像机的玛莎·阿格丽奇终于同意和导演Georges Gachot进行一次电视访谈,并录制她和德国符腾堡室内乐团排练舒曼钢琴协奏曲过程。当年,纪录片《玛莎·阿格丽奇-夜话》问世,荣获金色布拉格最佳纪录片奖、音乐艺术纪录片大奖。在影片中,阿格丽奇回忆了自己摘取肖邦国际比赛头名的传奇经历,和恩师古尔达的情谊,对室内乐与合奏的偏好,以及对舒曼所怀有的特殊感情。全片采用了大量档案资料,勾勒出这位钢琴女祭司的艺术生涯。

  • 对话马塞尔·杜尚 A conversation with Marcel Duchamp and James Johnson Sweeney


    导演:Robert D. Graff   编剧:

    主演:马塞尔·杜尚, James Johnson Sweeney


  • 演员对谈:希亚·拉博夫&克里斯汀·斯图尔特 Actors on Actors: Shia LaBeouf & Kristen Stewart

    类型:真人秀, 脱口秀

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:希亚·拉博夫, 克里斯汀·斯图尔特

      In their Actors on Actors conversation, Shia LaBeouf and Kristen Stewart talk about what fame and being talented means to them and rave about reality TV like "Naked and Afraid."

  • 等待 The Wait

    类型:剧情, 短片

    导演:Jason McColgan   编剧:Jason McColgan

    主演:波皮·露, Mike Burnside

      Two people find comfort in one another after striking up a conversation at a bus stop.

  • 事情原来是这样的…… What Happened Was...

    类型:剧情, 喜剧, 爱情, 惊悚

    导演:Tom Noonan   编剧:汤姆·诺南

    主演:汤姆·诺南, 凯伦·西拉斯

      Jackie Marsh, a lonely secretary in a New York legal firm, invites a male paralegal in her office over for dinner. The film follows the rocky course of their odd first date as the pair's conversation ranges from awkward pauses to small revelations.

  • 声音 Sounds Like


    导演:布拉德·安德森   编剧:米克·加里斯, 布拉德·安德森

    主演:克里斯·鲍尔, 马蒂·芬诺乔, 劳拉·玛高丽丝

      When talking to the shrink, Larry says he monitors 531 conversations a day, then says "that's 2,655 times a day...". He should have said 2,655 times a week.

  • 我与明星坠爱河 Once Again


    导演:Kanwal Sethi   编剧:Kanwal Sethi, Ajitpal Singh

    主演:Priyanshu Painyuli, 内拉吉·卡比, 莎法莉·什提, 拉塞卡·杜加尔, Bidita Bag, Bhagwan Tiwari, Narendra Jetley

      After a chance phone call leads to daily conversations, a widowed restaurant owner and a lonely film actor plan to finally meet in person.

  • 听证会 Die Anhörung


    导演:Lisa Gerig   编剧:


      Four asylum seekers reenact their conversations with the authorities in a role-playing game that reverses the roles. What happens when your future depends on your ability to tell your own life story in a convincing way?

  • 三厘米 Three Centimetres


    导演:Lara Zeidan   编剧:Lara Zeidan

    主演:Bissan Ahmad, Melissa Dano, Mira Choukeir, Joyce Abou Jaoude

      Four Lebanese girls go on a Ferris wheel ride to make their friend feel better about her breakup. Their conversation drifts to a less fun place.

  • Shangri-La


    导演:杰夫·马尔伯格, 摩根·内维尔   编剧:

    主演:Joseph Fatu, Buika, Adam Dubin, Chuck D., Rivers Cuomo, 斯蒂芬妮·麦克曼, 朱利安 卡萨布兰卡斯, Rick Rubin, David Pluebell, Ezra Koenig, Joel Bennett, Tyler the Creator, Makonnen, Lil Yachty, LL Cool J, 罗万·史密斯, 弗利, 大卫·林奇, 大卫·布雷恩, 卡洛斯·桑塔纳, 杰洛德·卡尔迈克, 麦克·D, 诗莎, 莱尔德·约翰·哈密尔顿, 罗比·罗伯逊, Money Mark, Francis and the Lights

      This four-part docu-series focusses on creative conversation and the emotional side of music-making, using legendary music producer and De Jam Records co-founder Rick Rubin's iconic Malibu, CA studio as the backdrop.

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