
  • 旧衣的秘密 the secret life of your clothes


    导演:Andy Wells   编剧:


      In Britain we give thousands of tons of our unwanted clothes to charity shops every year. But where do they actually go? It turns out most don't ever reach the rail of the local charity shop; they are exported to Africa. And even though we have given them away for free, our castoffs have created a multi-million pound industry and some of the world's poorest people pay good mone...

  • 没有衣服 No Clothes

    类型:喜剧片电影, 短片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:Hugo Kenzo   编剧:Hugo Kenzo

    主演:乔丹·菲尔斯特曼, 汤米·刘易斯


  • 皇帝的新装 The Emperor's New Clothes

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:阿兰·泰勒   编剧:Simon Leys, Kevin Molony, 阿兰·泰勒, Herbie Wave

    主演:弗朗西斯·古佐, 克里斯·朗厄姆, Sergio Ballo, Russell Dixon, 乔治·哈里斯, 尼尔·奥布赖恩, 海莉·卡迈克尔, 蒂姆·巴洛, 拉塞尔·托维, John McGlynn, 阿什莉·阿尔图斯, 伊安·霍姆, 艾本·叶尤, 蒂姆·麦克纳尼, Tom Watson, 尼吉尔·特瑞, 休·博纳维尔, 穆雷·梅尔文, 埃迪·马森, 克里夫·罗素, Bob Mason, Tom Hunsinger, 崔佛·库珀, 莫亚布雷迪

      拿破仑在被放逐后,制定一了个夺回皇位的计划。他准备和平民Eugene Lenormand互换身分,然后再潜回巴黎,在其行动时则由Eugene Lenormand以拿破仑的身分活动。但是事情进行的很不顺利,首先是潜入巴黎要比想像的难得多,更糟的是Lenormand爱上了这种衣食无忧的生活,他更愿意好好享受而不是到处抛头露面,而拿破仑却很不适应平民的生活……

  • 历史的针脚 A Stitch in Time


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Amber Butchart

      Fusing biography, art and the history of fashion, Amber Butchart explores the lives of historical figures through the clothes they wore.

  • 我的,我的 My...My...

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:雷磊   编剧:雷磊


      Animation: Lei Lei
      Music: Li Xingyu
      One day. I found my naked. Where is my chothes?
      Well, my clothes
      Ah, my pants
      Give them back, give them back
      Oh, my hat

  • Roberto

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Carmen Córdoba González   编剧:Carmen Córdoba González


      15 years have passed and Roberto is still in love with his neighbor, but she prefers to hide ashamed of her body. With his art and an old clothesline as the only ways of communication, Roberto has a plan to push his beloved to face her monsters at once.

  • 静止能量 Rest Energy


    导演:玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇, 乌雷   编剧:

    主演:玛丽娜·阿布拉莫维奇, 乌雷

      Ulay and Abramovic draw a large bow and arrow, one holding each side. The arrowhead is pointing at Abramovic's heart. The slightest movement could be fatal. Microphones on their clothes pick up their quickening heart beats and Ulay's irregular breathing.

  • 小姐好玩 Come Play with Me

    类型:喜剧片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:George Harrison Marks   编剧:George Harrison Marks

    主演:George Harrison Marks, Mary Millington, Irene Handl, Suzy Mandel, Queenie Watts, Anna Bergman, Pat Astley, Deirdre Costello, Cosey Fanni Tutti, Susie Silvey, Lisa Taylor

      A health-resort where both the clients and the employees easily take their clothes off and have a litte fun is the setting of this hugely popular sex-comedy.

  • 至于我们 In quanto a noi

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:西蒙·马斯   编剧:


      History flows, darkness wets our clothes.

  • 欲望海滩 Hardbodies 2


    导演:Mark Griffiths   编剧:Mark Griffiths, Curtis Scott Wilmot, Steve Greene (分镜头), Eric Alter (分镜头)

    主演:Charles P. Bernuth, Yorgos Kotanidis, Yula Gavala, Nadine Ames, Lifteris Andrikos, Thanassis Christopoulos, Sorrells Pickard, 罗伯塔·科林斯, Julie Rohde-Brown, Alexandra Pavlidou, Elizabeth Pericolo, Vicky Kougianos, Fabiana Udenio, Giorgos Tzifos, 詹姆斯·凯伦, Louise Baker, Alexandros Mylonas, Robert Rhine, Brad Zutaut, Sam Temeles, Curt Wilmot, Nana, 布琳达·巴克, Ulrika Hellstrom, Panos Logothetis, Vassili Karis

      A film crew is travelling from America to Greece to produce a movie. Before their work is done they will have to face many unusual situations, along with numerous opportunities for the actresses to take their clothes off.