
  • 无名小子 Il mio nome è Nessuno

    类型:喜剧, 西部

    导演:托尼诺·瓦莱里   编剧:赛尔乔·莱昂内, Fulvio Morsella, Ernesto Gastaldi

    主演:特伦斯·希尔, 亨利·方达, 让·马丹

      在美国西部的早期开发中,来自全国各地的人都涌向西部淘金,Jack Beauregard是一个典型的牛仔,他不但出手很快,而且足智多谋。Sullivan是来西部靠淘金暴富的人,他拍Jack危及自己,聘请了年轻胆大的西部牛仔 Nobody 来对付Jack……

  • 核家庭 Familia Nuclear


    导演:Erin Wilkerson, 特拉维斯·威尔克森   编剧:

    主演:特拉维斯·威尔克森, Erin Wilkerson, Matilda Wilkerson, Dalton Wilkerson, Adva Wilkerson

      An American family takes an apocalyptic road trip the US West. Seize the land by gun. Turn the land into a gun. Point the gun at everybody’s head.

  • Tash and Ellie Season 1


    导演:安德鲁·盖诺德   编剧:娜塔希亚·德米特里厄斯 Natasia Demetriou, Ellie White

    主演:娜塔希娅·德米特里欧, Ellie White

      Comedy sketch show written by and starring triple threats Ellie White and Natasia Demetriou. Featuring a range of characters from busybody mums to trustafarian teenagers, as well as satirising pop trends with a take on stars like Ariana Grande.

  • The Name of the Game Season 1

    类型:科幻, 冒险

    导演:Jennings Lang   编剧:斯坦利·亚当斯, Ed Adamson, Margaret Armen

    主演:吉恩·巴瑞, 苏珊·圣琼·詹姆斯, 罗伯特·斯塔克, 安东尼·弗兰西欧萨, 本·墨菲, 克利夫·波茨, 马克·米勒, 安妮·巴克斯特, 斯蒂芬·麦克纳利, 斯图尔特·尼斯贝特, 保罗·斯图尔特


  • 普遍罪行 Un crimen común

    类型:剧情, 惊悚

    导演:弗朗西斯科·马尔克斯   编剧:弗朗西斯科·马尔克斯, Tomás Downey

    主演:Elisa Carricajo, Cecilia Rainero, Mecha Martínez, Eliot Otazo, Ciro Coien Pardo

      Cecilia is too afraid one night to let her housekeeper’s son into the house. The next day his dead body is found. Francisco Márquez has created a ghostly shimmering narrative that describes the injustices of Argentinean society.

  • 旅行者 The Traveler

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:迈克尔·奥布洛维奇   编剧:Joseph C. Muscat

    主演:Val Kilmer, Dylan Neal, Paul McGillion

      在一个黑暗的圣诞节前夜,小镇上孤单的警长在值夜班时遇见了一个名叫Mr. Nobody的神秘男子。随着夜幕渐深,警长发现此人其实是一个劣迹斑斑的报复心极强的杀手。

  • 巴黎警局1900 第二季 Paris Police 1900 Season 2

    类型:剧情, 悬疑, 历史

    导演:   编剧:


      When the Paris police's vice squad - on the orders of Police Chief Lépine - begin to clean prostitutes off the city's streets, a man's body is found in the Bois de Boulogne. Inspector Antoine Jouin is entrusted with the investigation.

  • 我与姬友的二三事 第一季 Café Sin Leche Season 1


    导演:   编剧:Jaione Ferri

    主演:Ana Cózar, Rosa Herrero, Iván Miguel

      Your flatmates bringing somebody new at home should be great. Until you realize you have feelings for the same girl your best friend does. have a problem.

  • 《无敌浩克》:变成浩克 The Incredible Hulk: Becoming the Hulk

    类型:纪录片, 短片

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:凯文·费奇, 盖尔·安妮·赫德, 卢·弗里基诺

      How to make the Hulk appear visually ant what degree does he keep Bruce Banner's sense of reality? Let Edward Norton act out Hulk's movements, emotional visages, and humanize the veins and body tone for a nine foot Hulk.

  • Season

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Giovanna Lopalco   编剧:Giovanna Lopalco


      A group of men in white accompany a young woman in a strange procession. In this dark landscape, a biological world on perpetual motion will transform her body.