
  • 追凶记(下) "The X Files"Season 3, Episode 16: Apocrypha

    类型:剧情, , 悬疑, 惊悚

    导演:Kim Manners   编剧:


      另一方面史卡利接到史基纳中弹的消息,他认出凶手曾在楼梯间打过他,并且抢走了磁带。   一路上克莱区克都很安静,同时,有人也追上了他们,克莱区克用辐射杀死了来者,穆德逃过一劫,克莱区克则不知去向,癌人不顾手下的死活。

  • 步步危机 The X Files Season 3, Episode 17: Pusher

    类型:剧情, , 悬疑, 惊悚

    导演:Rob Bowman   编剧:

    主演:David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson

      A man is apprehended in Virginia after leading local police on a goose chase for a month. Yet even with his police escort, he manages to escape custody with a few well-chosen words. Scully watches as Mulder is led into the case of a man who can seemingly 'will' one to death.

  • 糞虫大战 X-Files: War Of The Coprophages (Season 3, Episode 12)

    类型:剧情, , 悬疑, 惊悚

    导演:Kim Manners   编剧:Darin Morgan

    主演:David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Bobbie Phillips

      When an exterminator in Millers Grove, Massachusetts drops dead and 2 more townspeople follow, every citizen screams "roaches!" Indeed Agent Mulder, the town's best hope for survival, is hot on the trail of the creepy crawling insects, and it's all a matter of not bugging out!

  • The X Files - Season 3, Episode 23: Wetwired

    类型:剧情, , 悬疑, 惊悚

    导演:Rob Bowman   编剧:

    主演:David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson

      A man who killed five people claims that all of his victims were the same war criminal he saw on TV. Investigation by Mulder and Scully turn up something unusual with the television signals in the area, and Mulder must uncover the truth before Scully becomes the next killer.

  • 哥斯拉大战美加洛 ゴジラVSメガロ

    类型:动作, , 短片, 灾难

    导演:上西琢也   编剧:


      上西琢也(『ゴジラVSガイガンレクス』)と柴田晃宏(『岐阜ゴジラ』『DRESS』)がタッグを組み、3D CG×実写でお送りする短編作品!

  • 三体·持剑

    类型:, 动画

    导演:   编剧:


  • 2099

    类型:剧情, , 古装

    导演:马云宇   编剧:

    主演:李溪芮, 孙泽源, 林家川, 张可盈, 王海地, \

      根据吞茶嚼花小说《陈小花兴风作浪的一天:爱妃,机器人》改编,讲述躺平的废柴国王和野蛮的机器人爱妃 之间的爱情故事。

  • 猪猪侠大电影·星际行动

    类型:喜剧, , 动画

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:陆双, 徐经纬, 梁晶晶, 刘青扬, 陈志荣


  • 超人和露易丝 第四季 Superman & Lois Season 4

    类型:动作, 爱情, , 冒险

    导演:   编剧:



  • 风吹过坟墓 Through the Graves the Wind Is Blowing


    导演:特拉维斯·威尔克森   编剧:

    主演:特拉维斯·威尔克森, Ivan Peric, Matilda Jane Wilkerson, Dalton Wilkerson

      If there is anyone who embodies the current state of life in Croatia, it is the police detective Ivan Peric. The son of a fisherman, he became a detective as a way of avoiding working in the only really prospering industry of present-day Croatia – tourism. Now his life is consumed by trying to solve a series of essentially unsolvable murders of tourists. Because the tourists ar...