
  • 纪录片《布列兹指挥与讲解自己的作品》 BOULEZ: Eclat / Sur Incises


    导演:Frank Scheffer, Andy Sommer   编剧:

    主演:Pierre Boulez

      Directed by Frank Scheffer
      Sur Incises
      Directed by Andy Sommer
      Written by Hélène Jarry and Andy Sommer
      Film 1: Eclat is a real study of resonance written for fifteen instruments Pierre Boulez created in 1965, a glittering jewel of tightness and rationality, a riotously colorful mixture of open-form freedom and serialist order. Eclat (meaning "to burst out")...

  • 关于一部印度影片的拍摄记录 Appunti per un film sull'india


    导演:皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼   编剧:皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼, 赛尔乔·奇蒂


      Appunti per un film sull'India is a 1968 short documentary film by Pier Paolo Pasolini where he visits India to do a recces for his proposed film with India as its background about a king who gives up his body to feed a starving tiger.
      The film was shot around post-independent India when it was facing grave challenges of poverty, population and caste system. Pasolini narrates t...

  • 帕索里尼和……一个城市的一种形式 Pasolini e... la forma della città


    导演:保罗·布鲁纳特   编剧:皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼


      "In the last image, while closed the documentary after walking nervously among the dunes of Sabaudia, Pasolini suddenly stopped, the camera exposing the pallor of a face and suffered a cut, and denouncing with absolute sincerity and dry drama, definitely unusual for viewers of the time (and today) flattening cultural, aesthetic devastation and the civil barbarization we would i...

  • 萨那的城墙 Le mura di Sana'a


    导演:皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼   编剧:皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼


      Pasolini's documentary is an appeal to UNESCO to save the destruction of a beautiful Yemen's ancient town of Sana'a. The old, fortified city has been inhabited for more than 2500 years and contains a wealth of intact architectural gems. It was declared a World Heritage City by the United Nations in 1984.

  • 美好的生活 A Well Spent Life

    类型:纪录片, , 音乐

    导演:莱斯·布兰克   编剧:

    主演:Mance Lipscomb

      Many people consider Texas bluesman Mance Lipscomb to be the greatest blues guitarist and songster of all time. This glowing portrait of the legendary musician (also life-long husband and sharecropper) is among Blank's special masterworks. Instead of growing bitter, tough times made Lipscomb sweet.

  • 制造《阶级关系》 Jean-Marie Straub und Danièle Huillet bei der Arbeit an einem Film


    导演:哈伦·法罗基   编剧:哈伦·法罗基

    主演:Manfred Blank, Alf Bold, 达尼埃尔·于伊耶, 让-马里·斯特劳布, Georges Vaglio, Christian Heinisch

      This is a fascinating documentary on the making of Klassenverhältnisse (Class Relations). Farocki is both an actor and a director of this documentary. The film focuses on the rehearsal of two scenes (the "missing photo in the bag" scene and the "I'm completely drunk and I'm going to ruin your life" scene) and the shooting of the first rehearsed scene.
      Like Pedro Costa's beautif...

  • 雪鞋 Les raquetteurs


    导演:Michel Brault, Gilles Groulx   编剧:


      A classic of cinéma vérité, Les Raquetteurs documents a 1958 snowshoers’ conference in Sherbrooke. Everything is so faithfully captured by the camera the snowshoe races, the spectators’ and competitors’ behaviour, the parade of snowshoers with young girls dressed in their finest, the dancers and musicians trying to outdo each other in skill and inventiveness that the film could...

  • La magie Méliès


    导演:Jacques Mény   编剧:


      Tribute is paid to the screen's first special effects wizard in this special collection of marvelously restored prints. In addition to more than a dozen of his early trompes l'oeil - such as Untamable Wiskers, Tchin-Chao, the Chinese Conjurer, and The Mermaid - this volume boasts the illuminating documentary, Georges Melies, Cinema Magician and a rare hand-tinted print of the f...

  • 夜与雾 Nuit et brouillard

    类型:纪录片, , 历史, 战争

    导演:阿伦·雷乃   编剧:让·凯罗尔



  • 梵·高 Van Gogh


    导演:阿伦·雷乃   编剧:加斯顿·迪尔, 罗伯特·海森斯, 文森特·梵高


      《梵高》(Van Gogh,阿兰·雷乃,1948年|17分钟|35毫米|黑白|有声)以荷兰著名画家梵高(1853—1890)的绘画作品作为影像素材讲述了梵高的生平并评述了他的绘画艺术。法国南部普罗旺斯地区一望无际的麦田,古朴清幽的农舍,梵高及其朋友和邻居们的形象依次出现在银幕上。这些形象不是摄自现实的生活场景,而是取自画家的绘画作品,零碎的形象在摄影机的关照之下复活起来。本片导演阿兰·雷乃(Alain Resnais)1922年生于法国瓦纳市,1943年入巴黎高等电影学院学习剪辑。在1959年因执导故事片《广岛之恋》而一鸣惊人之前,他的电影创作活动主要是在纪录片方面,并成为二战后法国纪录电影学派“三十人集团”的核心人物。1940年代末到1950年代初,雷乃拍过一系列美术纪录片,本片即是其中的一部。本片的表现手法,正如雷乃在本片的片头字幕上所说,就是“...