
  • 古神复苏 In Its Wake


    导演:Lee Foster   编剧:Angela Cavallin, Lee Foster, Ryan Kobold

    主演:埃尔维斯·斯托克, Liam Seamus Murphy, Paige Foskett

      Four twenty-somethings and three businessmen are hunted by a terrible monster, while a former minister prepares to do battle with the ancient evil.

  • Splatter Barn

    类型:, 短片

    导演:Ben Gaudet   编剧:


  • Backyard Fight Clubs vol.1

    类型:, 纪录片

    导演:   编剧:



  • 超神傳奇 Shadow Builder


    导演:Jamie Dixon   编剧:Michael Stokes

    主演:Michael Rooker, Leslie Hope, Kevin Zegers

      When God created light, the first shadow was born.
      An evil Archbishop of the Catholic Church summons a demon to try and destroy the world. The summoners are killed, but the demon escapes to hunt down its needed victim. The victim soon turns out to be a child that has the potential to become a saint. After ravaging the town and turning its citizens upon themselves, the demon soo...

  • 恶魔之浴 Des Teufels Bad

    类型:剧情, , 历史

    导演:赛佛林·费奥拉, 维罗妮卡·弗兰茨   编剧:赛佛林·费奥拉, 维罗妮卡·弗兰茨

    主演:安雅·普拉施格, 玛利亚·霍夫斯塔尔, 达维德·沙伊德, Tim Valerian Alberti, Elias Schützenhofer

      Upper Austria in 1750. A fish pond reflects the overcast sky. A deep, dark forest swallows the sunlight. On a hilltop, the corpse of a hanged woman is displayed. As an example. A warning. An omen? The deeply religious and highly sensitive Agnes regards the dead woman with pity. But also with longing: she feels like a stranger in the world of her husband Wolf, whom she has just ...

  • 潜伏:暗线 Thread: An Insidious Tale

    类型:科幻, 悬疑, 惊悚,

    导演:杰瑞米·斯莱特   编剧:杰瑞米·斯莱特

    主演:曼迪·摩尔, 库梅尔·南贾尼

      一对夫妇使用咒语回到过去,拯救了死去的女儿。 然而,他们很快意识到他们的决定会产生严重后果。

  • 鬼太郎诞生 咯咯咯之谜 鬼太郎誕生 ゲゲゲの謎

    类型:喜剧, 动作, 动画, 惊悚, , 奇幻

    导演:古贺豪   编剧:水木茂, 吉野弘幸

    主演:庄司宇芽香, 泽海阳子, 种崎敦美, 飞田展男, 山路和弘, 泽城美雪, 野泽雅子, 关俊彦, 木内秀信, 白鸟哲, 石田彰, 小林由美子, 钉宫理惠, 松风雅也, 皆口裕子, 中井和哉

      2018年から2020年に放送されていたアニメ「ゲゲゲの鬼太郎」第6期の映画化作品にあたる。「鬼太郎誕生 ゲゲゲの謎」のタイトルで、鬼太郎の誕生に隠された謎が描かれる。

  • Pinup Dolls on Ice


    导演:Geoff Klein   编剧:Michael Penning

    主演:Karine Kerr, 苏子·洛林, William Jarand

      The Pinup Dolls are a hot retro act who put the tease back in striptease. But when an old friend (Suzi Lorraine) hires them to put on a show at a secluded campground, the girls find themselves being stalked by a homicidal maniac with a sick obsession with ice. As they're hunted one-by-one, they soon realize they'll have to rely on more than just their looks to survive this nigh...


    类型:剧情, , 短片

    导演:Mike Moring   编剧:Mike Moring


  • 宗教魔草 Holy Moly

    类型:, 短片

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Lance Ozanix
