
  • 伊甸园 Éden

    类型:剧情, 短片,

    导演:Fábio Freitas   编剧:Fábio Freitas

    主演:Nuno Pardal, Pedro Sousa Loureiro, Sara Barros Leitão

      Genesis 2:8. "And the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man whom he had formed." In this story, João and Pedro live in this garden. One of them is about to leave because someone ate the forbidden fruit.

  • 借宿 Sova över


    导演:Jimi Vall Peterson   编剧:Jimi Vall Peterson

    主演:Simon Eriksson, Hjalmar Hardestam

      Emil and Adam are two guys in their 20's. They are close friends, and after a night at the movies, Emil is going to sleep over at Adam's. Emil has unspoken feelings for Adam - feelings that are tested when they are sleeping in the same double bed. A film about friendship and the longing for something more.

  • 念念不忘 È solo nella mia testa


    导演:Marius Gabriel Stancu   编剧:Marius Gabriel Stancu

    主演:Carmine Fabbricatore, Claudio Segaluscio

      Andreas and Alessandro are two friends who have known each other since their childhood. Now that they have grown up, they study at University in different cities but they always spend the summer together in the place where they were born: a seaside resort that regularly fills up with tourists every year. They have two opposite characters: taciturn and diffident Andreas, expansi...

  • 桑拿房趣事:电影版 Steam Room Stories: The Movie!


    导演:J.C. Calciano   编剧:J.C. Calciano, William Plyler

    主演:James Achille, Chris Boudreaux, Eric D'Agostino, Paris Dylan, Forrest Kiyoshi Hoffman

      熱爆全球網劇《光復三溫暖》登上大銀幕,拍成電影版爆笑登場,更長、更大、更濕、更大汗,瘋狂抵死,笑到出水。超過210集網劇、全球5200萬點擊率,人氣爆登的網紅系列拍成電影版,讓觀眾重拾久違了的美式同志爆笑喜劇趣味。化妝界女皇和助手誓要找到青春之泉,卻發現泉源來自一間健身室的地下,為了得到青春秘方的泉水,女皇派助手深入濕蒸房調查,更想盡辦法令健身室倒閉,侵吞優質地段。一班常客只好披甲上陣,捍衛使用這間健身室濕蒸的權利。導演JC Calciano前作《Is it just me》、《eCupid》和《The 10 Year Plan》都曾於香港同志影展放映,喜歡JC式幽默的朋友,不容錯過。

  • 屋顶恋歌 메이드 인 루프탑

    类型:喜剧, 爱情,

    导演:金赵光寿   编剧:

    主演:李宏内, Jung Hwi, 郭敏圭, Kang Jeong-woo, Yum Moon-kyung, 李姃垠

      河那跟男友分手後無處可去,暫時寄居在好友奉植頂樓加蓋的房子裡。這期間,河那跟奉植各自遇到感情上的難題。河那的前男友 - 正民,努力地想和他重修舊好,卻又不肯為他出櫃,讓河那很糾結。而好友奉植雖然是知名直播主,在影片中看起來開朗活潑,但在現實生活,卻從來沒有一段穩定的戀情。直到有天奉植的粉絲向他告白,他的體貼及用心打動了奉植的心,讓他開始猶豫是否要跟他交往。兩人的感情路最後究竟能否有個快樂的結局呢?

  • 维洛姆 Vilom


    导演:Sunder Pal   编剧:Sunder Pal

    主演:Balwinder Bannu, Chaman Bansal, Ambika Kamal, Manish Kumar, Navpreet Moti, Deepak Saini, Kirandeep Singh


  • 中转站 Port Authority


    导演:达尼埃尔·莱索维茨   编剧:达尼埃尔·莱索维茨

    主演:菲恩·怀特海德, 麦考尔·隆巴蒂, 蕾娜·布鲁姆, 路易莎·克劳瑟, Eddie Plaza

      《敦刻尔克》男主芬恩·怀特海德、跨性别新人演员Leyna Bloom主演了马丁·斯科塞斯监制新片《港务局》(Port Authority),讲述一个男孩与跨性别女子的爱情故事。该片最近已杀青,才公布信息。
      新人导演Danielle Lessovitz执导,McCaul Lombardi(《美国甜心》)也出演。背景为纽约LGBTQ圈著名的“舞厅文化”,讲述20岁出头的男孩Paul(怀特海德饰演)初来纽约,与热爱voguing的女孩Wye(Bloom饰演)看对了眼,他悄悄找上了她,热烈的爱开始萌芽。但随后Paul发现Wye是跨性别者,他被迫面对自己对她的欲望,和身边人深植的暴力。由斯科塞斯的Sikelia影业和RT影业(《请以你的名字呼唤我》)制作。

  • 解开男孩 Memorias de lo que no fue

    类型:剧情, 惊悚,

    导演:Leopoldo Laborde   编剧:Leopoldo Laborde

    主演:Paul Act, Eduardo Longoria, Rodrigo Lopezcarranza

      Two young men spend the night together after meeting the previous evening in a notorious gay club. The next day, however, the host wakes to find the boy he picked up bewildered and confused, unable to remember his name or anything about his past. Lacking any type of identification or obvious clues, the boys begin to search for the truth among fragments of memories that may or m...

  • 标志动作 Signature Move

    类型:剧情, 喜剧,

    导演:珍妮弗·里德   编剧:Lisa Donato, Fawzia Mirza

    主演:Fawzia Mirza, 莎巴娜·阿兹米, Sari Sanchez, Audrey Francis, Charin Alvarez, Molly Brennan, Mark Hood

      Zaynab, a thirty-something Pakistani, Muslim, lesbian in Chicago takes care of her sweet and TV-obsessed mother. As Zaynab falls for Alma, a bold and very bright Mexican woman, she searches for her identity in life, love and wrestling.

  • 心脏骤停我爱你 Triage

    类型:爱情, 短片,

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:达维·格凌陂勒, 塔纳朋·扎卢吉塔侬
