
  • 罗马竞技场: 一个角斗士的故事 Colosseum: A Gladiator's Story

    类型:动作, 纪录片,

    导演:Tilman Remme   编剧:

    主演:Robert Shannon ... Verus, Derek Lea ... Priscus

      What caused the notorious arena to be built, and what made Roman society demand such extreme entertainment to be played out there? Colosseum: A Gladiator's Story revolves around the true story of Verus, who rises from slave to star gladiator, but who faces the ultimate challenge in one of the very few gladiatorial fights that was recorded and described by contemporary writers. ...

  • 频道 - 宇宙系列:大爆炸开始 The Universe: Beyond the Big Bang

    类型:科幻, 纪录片,

    导演:Luke Ellis   编剧:

    主演:David Ackroyd

      The universe began with a massive expansion, billions and billions of years ago, and it continues to expand with every passing second. The idea that the universe, and man's very existence, began with a "Big Bang" is no longer a topic of debate among most scientists--it is essentially taken as fact. How has man come to this conclusion, and how has our knowledge evolved so that w...

  • 以色列的诞生 The Birth of Israel


    导演:Jeremy Bowen   编剧:BBC

    主演:杰瑞米·鲍文, 阿道夫·希特勒 Adolf Hitler, 戴维·本-古里安, 哈里·S·杜鲁门, 西蒙·佩雷斯, 乔治·W· 布什


  • 时代精神 Zeitgeist

    类型:纪录片, , 战争

    导演:彼得·约瑟夫   编剧:彼得·约瑟夫

    主演:Osama Bin Laden, George W. Bush, Adolf Hitler


  • 空军一号 Air Force One


    导演:Peter Schnall   编剧:Don Campbell

    主演:Barbara Bush, George Bush, George W. Bush

      空军一号是对搭载美国总统的任何美国空军飞机的称呼,目前美国总统最常用的是两架VC-25A飞机,尾号28000和SAM 29000。两架飞机是改装过的波音747-2G4B民航机。在28000和SAM 29000于1990年开始服役之前,空军一号是两架波音707-320B飞机,尾号26000和27000,这两架飞机从1958年起就开始服役了。

  • 地平线:我们的天气怎么了? Horizon: What's Wrong with Our Weather?


    导演:Milla Harrison   编剧:

    主演:Helen Czerski, John Hammond

      英國廣播公司(BBC)科學紀錄片《地平線》(Horizon)系列的《天氣反常了?》,由物理學家Helen Czerski和氣象學家 John Hammond主持,為你詳細講解高速氣流(jet stream)與英國反常氣候的關係。

  • BBC地平线:陨石真相大揭密 Horizon: The Truth About Meteors


    导演:Oliver Bootle, Ben Finney   编剧:

    主演:Iain Stewart, Mark Boslough, Steven R. Chesley, ...

      On a bright, cold morning on 15th February 2013, a meteorite ripped across the skies above the Ural mountains in Russia, distintegrating into three pieces and exploding with the force of 20 Hiroshimas. It was a stark reminder that the Earth's journey through space is fraught with danger. A day later another much larger 14,3000 tonne asteroid, passed within just 17,000 miles of ...

  • 创意大脑:灵感从何而来 Horizon - The Creative Brain: How Insight Works


    导演:Kate Dart   编剧:Kate Dart

    主演:凯莉·亨特, Mark Beeman, Rex Jung, John Kounios, Charles Limb, Simone Ritter, Jonathan Schooler

  • 三生三世 聂华苓 三生三世 聶華苓

    类型:纪录片, 传记,

    导演:陈安琪   编剧:陈安琪

    主演:聂华苓, 白先勇, 莫言, 钟玲, 余华, 蒋勋

      現年八十七歲的聶華苓生於中國武漢,1949年與家人逃到台灣,後因編輯【自由中國】受白色恐怖牽連,之後赴美與丈夫 Paul Engle創辦影響力龐大的愛荷華大學「國際寫作計畫」。通過他們的「國際寫作計劃」,世界各地作家越過意識形態聚集一堂。1979年,大陸、台灣和香港的作家隔絕三十載,首次相見於愛荷華。

  • 赤裸又如何 What's the Problem with Nudity?


    导演:Paul King   编剧:

    主演:Paul McGann
