
  • 失落的边界 Lost Boundaries


    导演:阿尔弗雷德·L·韦尔克   编剧:Ormonde Dekay Jr., Maxime Furlaud, 尤金·林, Charles Palmer, 弗吉尼亚·谢勒, 威廉·L·怀特

    主演:·, 梅尔·费勒, 苏珊·道格拉斯·鲁贝什, 罗伯特·邓恩, 理查德·希尔顿, 格雷丝·科潘, 卡尔顿·卡朋特

      This story is a true account of the lives of Scott and Marsha Carter. Having graduated from medical school, Scott Carter, a fair-skinned African American, marries Marsha Mitchell and moves to Georgia. When he arrives at the black clinic in Georgia, he discovers that the job must inconveniently go to a Southerner. Discussions between two nurses at this clinic suggest that Scott'...