
  • 肖邦 Sciopèn


    导演:Luciano Odorisio   编剧:Luciano Odorisio

    主演:米凯莱·普拉奇多, 蒂诺·斯基林齐, 朱莉娅娜·德·西约, Lino Troisi, 法比奥·特拉韦尔萨, 阿达尔贝托·马里亚·梅利, 安娜·博纳奥图, ·, Luigi Uzzo, Consuelo

  • 唐卡米洛的最后一次 Don Camillo e l'on. Peppone


    导演:卡尔米内·加洛内   编剧:勒内·巴雅韦尔, 乔瓦尼·瓜雷斯基

    主演:费南代尔, 吉诺·塞尔维, 克洛德·西尔万, 莱达·格洛里亚, 翁贝托·斯帕达罗, 梅莫·卡罗泰努托, 萨罗·乌尔齐, ·

      Peppone, hardened mayor in Brescello, the small village on the Po river, aspires to become senator. Neither before or after WWII, where he fought against the Germans and fascists, he never went seriously to school, so he needs (at least) a diploma. Believe it or not, don Camillo helps Peppone to pass the examination (with the forecast of moving to Rome) prompting him the soluti...

  • 利比亚骑兵 Lo squadrone bianco

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:奥古斯托·吉尼那   编剧:Joseph Peyré, 奥古斯托·吉尼那, Gino Rocca, Gino Valori

    主演:Marchetti, Enrico Marroni, Bernardino Molinari, Fulvia Lanzi, Francesca Dalpe, 福斯科·贾凯蒂, Antonio Centa,

      Lieutenant Mario Ludovici, an army officer, gets himself transferred to a Libyan post when his romance with society girl Cristiana goes on the rocks. Ludovici is looked upon as a weakling by Captain Santelia, the hard-boiled commander of the troops, but after a bitter campaign against a rebel tribe Ludovici proves his true worth and returns as commander when Santelia is mortall...

  • 法拉维亚修女受难记 Flavia, la monaca musulmana

    类型:剧情片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:吉安弗兰科·明戈齐   编剧:Bruno Di Geronimo, 吉安弗兰科·明戈齐, Sergio Tau, Francesco Vietri, Fabrizio Onofri

    主演:Ciro Ippolito, 卡拉·曼奇尼, Luigi Antonio Guerra, Giuseppe Pertile, ·, Stefano Trabalza, 瓦伦蒂诺·马奇, 弗洛琳达


  • 年轻的丈夫们 Giovani mariti


    导演:莫洛·鲍罗尼尼   编剧:莫洛·鲍罗尼尼, Enzo Curreli, 帕斯夸莱·费斯塔·康帕尼莱, 马西莫·弗兰乔萨, 卢西亚诺·马蒂诺, 皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼

    主演:Anne-Marie Baumann, 马切拉·罗韦纳, Lilly Mantovani, ·, Roberto Chevalier, 伊莎贝拉·科瑞, 安东尼奥·奇法列洛, 弗朗科·英特朗吉

      A movie about the mixed feelings of young adulthood. Main characters rather casually enter into marriage, never intending true fidelity to their spouses. When they realize that they're committed for life, our immature heroes return to their home town for one last fling.

  • 四面楚歌 Sotto dieci bandiere

    类型:剧情片电影, 战争片电影

    导演:杜里奥·科莱蒂   编剧:Bernhard Rogge, Vittoriano Petrilli, 杜里奥·科莱蒂, Ulrich Möhr, 威廉·道格拉斯-霍姆, 列奥纳多·贝尔科维奇

    主演:布思·科尔曼, ·, James Dobson, Charles Nolte, 拉尔夫·杜鲁门, 格雷瓜尔·阿斯兰, 彼得·卡斯滕, Helmut Schmid, 吉安·马里亚·沃隆特, 迪特尔

      In 1941, the British Admiralty is worried about the large number of Allied ships being destroyed in the Pacific Ocean by a mysterious enemy vessel. Initially, British Admiral Russell suspects that a German submarine is the culprit. However, the few revealed pieces of the mystery puzzle rather point to a German Navy surface warship.The British don't know it yet but the enemy shi...