
  • 白种女奴隶 Dakota Bound

    类型:科幻, 情色

    导演:Lloyd A. Simandl   编剧:Chris Hyde

    主演:Jaroslav Jirik, Karl Prater, Rianne Kooiman, Scott Williams, Fawnia Mondey, Esther Hanuka, John Comer, Eva


  • 汐潮的沉默 Silence of the Tides


    导演:Pieter-Rim de Kroon   编剧:Pieter-Rim de Kroon, Michiel Beishuizen

    主演:Birgit Wildeman, Johann Petersen, Jan van Rees, Freek Töpfer, Bote Teerling, Eva Kok, Ezra Goudzwaard

      这是一部向瓦登海致敬的电影。瓦登海是世界上最大、最多样、不间断的潮间带,沿着荷兰、德国和丹麦的海岸延伸。影片见证了人与自然之间粗糙而又脆弱的关系,随着潮汐的吸入和呼出而跳动。这是一个让人着迷的大屏幕,让我们看到四季的循环和对比:生与死,风暴与寂静,大众与个人。这一切都是在天空、水、风、雾和不断变化的光的更大的背景下进行的。导演pieterrim de Kroon以他的观察风格和对细节的关注,将瓦登地区呈现为一个巨大的、有生命的有机体,在那里所有的元素相互联系,受到月亮和太阳的位置,以及来自宇宙的神奇能量的影响。

  • Just a Guy


    导演:Shoko Hara   编剧:Simon Thummet

    主演:Eva Clayton

      这是一部关于爱情的动画唱片片。有着“恶魔首席门徒”之称的连续杀人魔理查拉米雷兹被捕入狱后的系列报导,引发疯狂女粉丝们无可救药的迷恋上他, 而在信件来往之间,构成不可言喻的爱情关系。导演透过手稿及档案影片,以动画拼贴出那杀人魔近似爱情的另一面……。@高雄电影节

  • 没人笑得出来 Nikdo se nebude smát

    类型:剧情, 喜剧

    导演:希内克·博钱   编剧:希内克·博钱, 帕维尔·祖拉契克, 米兰·昆德拉

    主演:扬·利比切克, Alena Frimlová, Václav Kyzlink, Jan Cmíral, 伊日·门泽尔, 弗拉斯塔·耶林科娃, Eva Olmerová, Josef Koza, Helena

      影片故事来自米兰-昆德拉的短篇小说,由Pavel Jurácek和导演Hynek Bocan共同执笔改编,是捷克新浪潮电影中的一部重要作品。获1965年德国曼海姆-海登堡国际电影节金奖。
      In this Czech comedy, an art critic is hounded by a determined man who wishes to publish his manuscript about a famous artist. When the critic receives the author's work, he sends a letter wishing the man luck without reading a single page. The determined author forces the art critic t...

  • 禁忌的约会 Rendez-Vous


    导演:Antoinette Beumer   编剧:马约勒因·比约梅尔, Dorien Goertzen

    主演:Terheijden, Peter Paul Muller, Mark van Eeuwen, Loes Haverkort, Tamar Baruch, Pierre Boulanger, 珍妮弗·霍夫曼, Eva

      Simone inherits a dilapidated farmhouse in France and makes her way there with her husband Eric and their two children. Her dream is to turn the house into a bed and breakfast but as the hectic pace of the rebuilding gets underway, she gets caught up in the romance and chaos of it all. Losing sight of her goals, she must find her way back to the dreams and ambitions which broug...

  • 迷魂药公司 Ta' mej doktorn


    导演:Andrei Feher, 热拉尔·格雷戈里   编剧:Andrei Feher

    主演:Jean-Luc, Marie Laffont, 克莉丝汀·洛黛, Magali Pell, Marina Delestrade, Hubert Géral, 帕特丽齐娅·高里, Christine Béton, Eva

      A couple has a very open marriage allowing for both of them to enjoy sex with additional partners, but seemingly only women. Professor Rasputin, the husband, really loves to find hot young women and have sex with them and his wife in threesome fashion. Eventually, him and the wife turn their lovemaking into a business where the Prof poses as a sex doctor with the wife as his as...

  • 醒木 Wake Wood

    类型:剧情, 惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:David Keating   编剧:大卫·基汀, Brendan McCarthy

    主演:蒂莫西·斯波, Eva Birthistle, 艾丹·吉伦

      爱女艾丽丝被疯狗咬死,兽医帕特里克·戴利(Aidan Gillen 饰)和妻子露易丝(Eva Birthistle 饰)和妻子搬到地处偏远的醒木镇居住,渴望找到继续人生之路的勇气。

  • 牧师的结局 Faráruv konec


    导演:埃瓦尔德·朔尔姆   编剧:埃瓦尔德·朔尔姆, 约瑟夫·什克沃雷茨基

    主演:Cmíral, 伊里·里拉, 伏拉基米尔·布劳德斯基, 扬·利比切克, 亚娜·布赖霍娃, Zdena Skvorecka, Josefa Pechlatová, Helena Ruzicková, Eva

      A verger, who likes to dress as a priest, is invited, by one of the villagers, to be the pastor at a vacant church. The atheist teacher resents the pastor, and tries to embarrass him in various ways, including being caught with the local girl, Majka.

  • 热感 Sensations


    导演:拉塞·布劳恩   编剧:Axel Braun, Ian Rakoff

    主演:Nathalie Morin, Eva Quang, Bent Rohweder, Claudio Rosso, Nicole Valin, John Wilson, Nico Wolferstetter


  • 加百列 Gabriel


    导演:Benjamin Chimoy   编剧:Benjamin Chimoy

    主演:Florian Anderer, Alberto Esparza, Eva María Milara, Jakob Renger

      Gabriel, a 32-year-old Spanish man lives in Germany with his boyfriend Lars, far away from his conservative family. Time and again he remembers his childhood in daydreams.