
  • 银河系 銀河系


    导演:   编剧:足立正生

    主演:花上晃, 竹邑類, 真野三種, 南裕輔

      A car wreck on a beach road. While the passengers gather round the broken engine the driver, a young man meets his doppelganger on the beach. He beats and strangles him to death. A hospital. The young man walks down a flight of stairs passing a group of beautiful nurses and is hit by a crutch, thrown by his doppelganger who’d been waiting for him at the top of the staircase. Ag...

  • 滔滔不绝的祈祷者 噴出祈願 15歳の売春婦


    导演:   编剧:足立正生

    主演:秋山道男, 平冈正明

      A young prostitute tries to understand why she suffers from melancholy and benumbed feelings. Against a background of sexual liberation and political subversion, this latest libertine work by radical film director M. Adachi is one of the very few existing feminist erotic films. Masao Adachi's personality and films deserve careful consideration. Relatively unknown as yet to West...

  • 略称:连环射杀魔 略称・連続射殺魔

    类型:剧情片电影, 纪录片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:   编剧:



  • 叛女/夢幻地獄


    导演:   编剧:出口出

    主演:大和屋竺, 谷身知子, 天野照子, 美矢かほる

      と共に若松プロを支えた大和屋竺はまた卓抜な俳優でもあって、足立自身 が無名の通行人ぐらいに出番を禁欲したのに反し、初期の『避妊革命』で性に悩む若 い夫役を好演したのをはじめ、その特異なマスク

  • 性地带 性地帯〈セックスゾーン〉


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:山谷初男, 相原香織, 桜井リエ

      Inspired by the true story of a Geisha murdered in a city famous for its baths, Adachi forged here his favorite style, a kind of conceptual documentary recounting the incident in monotone. The same event that at the beginning of Violated Angels escaped every principle of causality, is portrayed here as a singular anti-spectacle.

  • 女学生游击队 女学生ゲリラ


    导演:   编剧:出口出

    主演:芦川絵理, 花村亜流芽, 万屋真理


  • 性游戏 性遊戯


    导演:, 若松孝二   编剧:出口出

    主演:吉沢健 中嶋夏 山谷初男 小水一男 秋山道男 真鍋由紀子

      『銀河系』のメビウスの環、『性地帯』のクラインの壷・・と足立ワールドの原型 を自ら定式化したは68年夏、学生叛乱の季節に際会するや清順共闘への参加 をバネに、アヴァンギャルドの眼を内部から外部

  • 锁阴 鎖陰


    导演:   编剧:足立正生

    主演:竹田ひろし, 木村京子, 村岡久美子

      Sa-in (Blocked Vagina) 1963. Directed by Masao Adachi with some students of Nihon University (Nihon University Film Study Club) Blocked Vagina represents the blocked situation following the demonstrations against the AMPO in 1960. There was a happening during the projection of this movie Sa-in no Go (The Ceremony of the Blocked Vagina) with fight against the police. The film wa...

  • 饥饿艺术家 断食芸人


    导演:   编剧:弗兰茨·卡夫卡, 足立正生

    主演:岩間天嗣, 田口智朗, 山本浩司, 桜井大造, 流山児祥, 伊藤弘子, 井端珠里, 吉増剛造, 和田周, 川本三吉, 本多章一, 安部田宇観, 愛奏


  • 幽闭者 幽閉者 テロリスト

    类型:剧情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:   编剧:足立正生

    主演:田口トモロヲ, 井浦新, 大久保鷹, 梶原譲二, 荻野目慶子, 井浦新 Arata


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