
  • 醉梦乡 Land of Dreams


    导演:索夏·亚萨瑞, ·   编剧:让-克劳德·卡里埃尔, 施林·奈沙

    主演:希拉·凡德, 明妮·德里弗, 马特·狄龙, 威廉·莫斯里, 伊莎贝拉·罗西里尼, Nicole Ansari-Cox

      Land of Dreams is a political satire set in the near future where America has closed its borders and become more insular than ever. The story follows Simin, an Iranian American woman, on a journey to discover the core of what it means to be a free American. She works for the most important government agency of her time, the Census Bureau. In efforts to understand and control it...

  • 威尼斯70周年:重启未来 Venezia 70 - Future Reloaded


    导演:弗兰科·马雷斯科, 布里兰特·曼多萨, 塞琳娜·穆加, 萨尔瓦托·梅鲁, ·, 阿米尔·纳得瑞, 埃曼诺·奥尔米, 尼古拉斯·佩雷达, 弗兰科·皮亚维奥利, Guiseppe Piccioni,   编剧:

    主演:秦昊, 田原, 金基德, 詹姆斯·弗兰科, 染谷将太

      因为今年是威尼斯电影节70周年华诞,陈可辛与贝托鲁奇、金基德、贾樟柯等全球知名导演,以“重启未来(Future Reload)”为题,拍摄了70部短片,向威尼斯电影节“祝寿”。28日当地时间22时,这70部短片正式播出。

  • 没有男人的女人 زنان بدون مردان


    导演:·   编剧:施林·奈沙, Shahrnoush Parsipour

    主演:佩嘉·费多尼, Arita Shahrzad, 沙布纳姆·托洛伊, 奥丝·图思


  • 狂暴 Turbulent


    导演:·   编剧:

    主演:Sussan Deyhim, Shoja Azari

      In Turbulent, Neshat's 1998 two-screen video installation, two singers (Shoja Azari playing the role of the male and Iranian vocalist and composer Sussan Deyhim as the female) create a powerful musical metaphor for the complexity of gender roles and cultural power within the framework of ancient Persian music and poetry.

  • Illusions & Mirrors


    导演:·   编剧:

    主演:Tarek Aylouch, 娜塔莉·波特曼, Michael Markiewicz