
  • 日本大使的饕餮盛宴 Rick Stein and the Japanese Ambassador


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      Rick Stein 是英国老资格的电视名厨,以做海鲜菜为名,在Cornwell开了好几家饭店、Fish & Chip 店等,还曾经为BBC做过好几个各地烹饪饮食习惯的系列。Rick Stein 访问了东南亚和东亚(包括中国)等地,研究当地的饮食习惯和烹饪手法。
      When the Japanese ambassador saw Rick Stein preparing sushi on a boat off Cornwall, he was not impressed. However, this sparked off an idea where Rick would go on a voyage of discovery ...

  • 里克·斯坦的蓝调寻味之旅 Rick Stein's Tastes The Blues


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      Ever since the early 1960s, Rick Stein has been in love with the blues and years later he is fascinated by the dishes ingrained in its lyrics - fried chicken and turnip greens, catfish and black-eyed peas, and the rest. In this film, Rick pays homage to the musicians who created this music and to the great dishes of the Mississippi Delta that go hand in hand with the blues.