
  • Great Women Artists: Georgia O'Keeffe


    导演:Dominique Mougenot   编剧:Dominique Mougenot


      Georgia O¹Keeffe was an American abstract painter, famous for the purity and lucidity of her still-life compositions. In 1916 the American photographer and art gallery director Alfred Stieglitz (whom she married in 1924) became interested in her abstract drawings and exhibited them at his gallery in New York City and in other important institutions. O'Keeffe moved to New Mexico...

  • 艺术家与模特 Artists and Models

    类型:喜剧片电影, 歌舞片电影

    导演:弗兰克·塔许林   编剧:赫伯特·贝克, Michael Davidson, 哈尔·坎特, Norman Lessing, 唐·麦圭尔, 弗兰克·塔许林

    主演:哈罗德·米勒, 珍妮特·米勒, Evelyn Moriarty, Patricia Morrow, Emory Parnell, Joan Petrone, Murray Pollack, 迈克尔·罗斯, 伊迪丝·拉塞尔, Richard Shannon, 理查德·韦伯, Alan Lee, 奥特沃尔迪斯, Nancy Abbate, 格特鲁德·阿斯特, Sharon Baird, 亚特·贝克, 萨拉·伯纳, Ralph Brooks, 迪恩·马丁, 杰瑞·刘易斯, 雪莉·麦克雷恩, 多罗茜·马龙, 埃迪·梅耶霍夫, 伊娃·嘉宝, 安妮塔·艾克伯格, 乔治·温斯罗, 杰克·伊莱姆, 赫伯特·鲁德利, 苏珊·布朗, Frank Carter, Clancy Cooper, Jack Deery, Ralph Dumke, 明塔·德菲, Shirley Falls, 富兰克林·法纳姆, Tom Ferrandini, 贝丝·弗劳尔斯, 凯瑟琳·弗里曼, 史蒂文·杰雷, Frances Grant, Valeri Gratton, 戴尔·哈特尔本, 尤金·杰克逊, Allen Jaffe, 弗兰克·詹克斯, Mickey Little, Mara Lynn, Rudy Makoul, 安麦克雷, Eve Meyer, Eve Miller

      Eugene and Rick are two struggling artists who share apartment. However, Rick has problems with that, because Eugene is obsessed with pulp fiction comic books and has nightmares because of that. However, Rick soon finds that those nightmares could be excellent material for his own comic books.

  • 艺术家们的圆桌会议 Artists of the Roundtable


    导演:Mike Foster   编剧:Mike Foster


  • 布雷斯林与哈米尔:死线艺术家 Breslin and Hamill: Deadline Artists

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影, 历史片电影

    导演:Jonathan Alter, John Block, Steve McCarthy   编剧:Jonathan Alter, Geof Bartz, John Block, Angela Gandini, Steve McCarthy

    主演:Jimmy Breslin, Pete Hamill, Spike Lee

      Directors Jonathan Alter, John Block and Steve McCarthy bring New York columnists Jimmy Breslin and Pete Hamill’s courageous writing to life, celebrating the acclaimed journalists and the city they loved.

  • 二战之火:七位艺术家的眼睛 They Drew Fire-Combat Artists of World War II


    导演:Brian Lanker   编剧:

    主演:贾森.罗巴兹, 弗兰克林.博格斯, 霍华德.布洛迪, 曼纽尔.布洛伯格, 威廉.德莱帕, 理查德.吉布尼, 罗伯特.格林哈尔夫, 爱德华.里普


  • 艺术家:彼特·杰克逊《他们不会变老》 What Do Artists Do All Day? Peter Jackson


    导演:Barry Ronan   编剧:


      To mark the centenary of WWI, Peter Jackson, director of The Lord of the Rings trilogy, has produced an acclaimed documentary, They Shall Not Grow Old. Using the latest cutting edge production techniques to restore and colourise original footage from the Imperial War Museum, alongside interviews with servicemen, the film brings to life the soldiers' experiences in unprecedented...

  • 成人记 Pornopung

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:Johan Kaos   编剧:Kirsten Bonnén Rask, Johan Kaos, Mads Larsen, Harald Mæle Jr., Ragnhild Tronvoll

    主演:Ole Christoffer Ertvaag, Herbert Nordrum, Anders Rydning, Gitte Witt, Trine Sjurseike

      The novice Christian discovers a new world when big-time pick up artists Karl and Leo decide to teach him the tricks of their trade and change him into the kind of guy girls want to sleep with.

  • 羞耻的美丽 Beauty is Embarrassing


    导演:Neil Berkeley   编剧:Neil Berkeley, Chris Bradley, Kevin Klauber

    主演:Wayne White

      Beauty Is Embarrassing is a funny, irreverent, joyful and inspiring documentary featuring the life and current times of one of America's most important artists, Wayne White.

  • 聆听阿黛尔 An Audience with Adele


    导演:   编剧:


      One of the biggest artists of all time, Adele performs at the London Palladium in front of an audience of family, friends, fans and celebrities in an unforgettable night of music.

  • 美哉琉璃:巧匠大比拼 第三季 Blown Away Season 3


    导演:Frank Samson   编剧:Amy Hosking


      Ten new glassblowers impress the judges - including the season 1 champion - with pieces that tell the story of their evolution as

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