
  • 聆听阿黛尔 An Audience with Adele


    导演:   编剧:


      One of the biggest artists of all time, Adele performs at the London Palladium in front of an audience of family, friends, fans and celebrities in an unforgettable night of music.

  • 羞耻的美丽 Beauty is Embarrassing


    导演:Neil Berkeley   编剧:Neil Berkeley, Chris Bradley, Kevin Klauber

    主演:Wayne White

      Beauty Is Embarrassing is a funny, irreverent, joyful and inspiring documentary featuring the life and current times of one of America's most important artists, Wayne White.

  • 毫无缘由 For No Good Reason


    导演:Charlie Paul   编剧:

    主演:约翰尼·德普, 特瑞·吉列姆, 帕特里克·戈弗雷, 理查德·E·格兰特, Ralph Steadman, 亨特·S·汤普森, Jann Wenner

      Johnny Depp pays a visit to Ralph Steadman, the renown artist and the last of the original Gonzo visionaries who worked alongside Hunter S.

  • 獨一無二 3D G-Dragon 2013 1st World Tour - One of a kind 3D

    类型:纪录片电影, 音乐片电影

    导演:Jeong Chi-yeong, Son Seok   编剧:杨贤硕, 权志龙


      The real live feed of one of the leading K-pop artist G-Dragon who always attempts at new challenges in music and style on the 30th of March 2013.

  • 恋爱中的梵高 Van Gogh in Love


    导演:Jean-Luc Ayach   编剧:Jean-Luc Ayach

    主演:Marie Matin, Diana Rudychenko, Eugene Izraylit, Mohamed Zemaich, 本杰明·泽图恩, Jean-Noël Betzler, 弗雷德里克·迪芬塔尔, 汉黛·柯嘉, Steve Driesen, 玛丽·伯格, Ginnie Watson, Arsène Jiroyan, Claude Barreau, Edwin Kruger, Angie Jacquot, Jean-Luc Ayach, Laurence Grout

      Léo, a contemporary artist, wants to reconnect with Élise, his former companion but Vincent Van Gogh, who returned to our time, fell in love with her. An over-realistic love triangle emerges and artistic issues appear in the background.

  • 科恩 L. Cohen


    导演:詹姆斯·班宁   编剧:


      Described by filmmaker and artist James Benning as "a farm field in Oregon on a very special day," L. COHEN is the latest masterwork by this grand figure of the American avant-garde.

  • 噩梦岛 The Slayer

    类型:悬疑片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:J.S. Cardone   编剧:

    主演:Sarah Kendall, Frederick Flynn, Carol Kottenbrook

      Siblings, Eric & his surreal artist sister Kay, her doctor husband David, her sister-in-law Brooke along with pilot Marsh become stranded on a rugged isle face off against a supernatural beast drawn to Kay who dreams of its killings

  • 特沃塔和我 Travolta et moi


    导演:帕特里西亚·玛佐   编剧:帕特里西亚·玛佐, Yves Thomas

    主演:Leslie Azzoulai, Hélène Eichers, Julien Gerin

      Christine, adolescente révoltée, tombe amoureuse de Nicolas, un as du patinage artistique. (Téléfilm réalisé pour Arte dans le cadre de la série Tous les garçons et les filles de leur âge et primé à Locarno).

  • 僕の新婚旅行


    导演:Shigeta Uchimura   编剧:


      A work comprising all the films shot by the artist over four years.

  • 莫斯与弗洛伊德 Moss & Freud

    类型:剧情片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:詹姆斯·卢卡斯   编剧:詹姆斯·卢卡斯

    主演:艾丽·巴姆博, 德里克·雅各比

      Follow Kate's decision by posing for the famous British artist Lucian Freud. A decision that deeply impacted and transformed the lives of both.