
  • 答案 The Answers

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 短片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Micheal Goode   编剧:Michael Goode

    主演:丹尼尔·利辛, 罗丝·麦克莱弗, Katherine diaz

      Immediately after his death, the victim of a car crash gets answers to every question he's ever had about his life, including the most import one of all - what did it all mean?

  • 有答案的男子 The Man with the Answers

    类型:剧情片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:斯特里奥斯·卡米蒂斯   编剧:斯特里奥斯·卡米蒂斯

    主演:索佐罗斯·米霍普洛斯, 马克·皮斯托诺, 艾丽莎·普林西比, 毛罗·拉坎蒂, 瓦西里斯·马古里奥蒂斯, 安东·威尔, 皮尔·安德里亚·波斯尼亚, 瓦西里斯·迪米特鲁利亚, 里尼奥·德拉崎, 罗尼·恩维, 斯特拉·热罗尼, 安东尼·卡萨里斯, 玛丽亚·卢斯·拉托雷, 弗朗兹斯科·洛佩兹, 安妮塔·洛鲁索


  • 复仇者 The Retaliators


    导演:Bridget Smith   编剧:Darren Geare, Jeff Allen

    主演:迈克·隆巴迪, 马克·门查卡, 约瑟夫·盖特, Katie Kelly

      An upstanding pastor uncovers a dark and twisted underworld as he searches for answers surrounding his daughter's brutal murder.

  • Murder On Middle Beach Season 1

    类型:纪录片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Madison Hamburg   编剧:

    主演:Madison Hamburg

      A young man is determined to solve an unspeakable crime and absolve the people he loves, while looking for answers within his fractured family and community.

  • 树海 JuKai


    导演:Gabrielle Lissot   编剧:Gabrielle Lissot


      A young woman follows a trail of colored threads that leads deep into a thick dark forest, untangling them as she goes, hoping to find the answers to her lingering fears.

  • Gym of The Dead


    导演:   编剧:Peter Hopkins

    主演:Dani Thompson, Heather Harlow, Noellie Burger, Kristina Santiago

      The film that finally answers the age old question: Where is the best place for Zombie men to meet Zombie women. From the studio that brought you Zombie Love Cruise.

  • 犯罪现场:德州杀场 Crime Scene: The Texas Killing Fields


    导演:Jessica Dimmock   编剧:


      An overgrown field and a stretch of highway connect a series of grisly murders spanning several decades as grieving families search for answers.

  • 最后的蛮荒战士 Last of the Dogmen

    类型:西部片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Tab Murphy   编剧:泰布·墨菲

    主演:汤姆·贝伦杰, 芭芭拉·赫希

      A Montana bounty hunter is sent into the wilderness to track three escaped prisoners. Instead he sees something that puzzles him. Later with a female Native Indian history professor, he returns to find some answers

  • 长期伴侣 Long-Term Relationship

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影, 同性片电影

    导演:罗伯·威廉姆斯   编剧:罗伯·威廉姆斯

    主演:马修·蒙戈马利, Windham Beacham

      Glenn gets tired of one night stands, and answers an ad placed by Adam, who is looking for an LTR. Glenn & Adam are perfect for each other, except for one, or two, or many things.

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