
  • 逃离杀人屋 11th Hour Cleaning


    导演:Ty Leisher   编剧:Eric R. Brodeur, Ty Leisher, Ed Morrone

    主演:Anita Leeman Torres, 克洛伊·布鲁克斯, 爱德华多·芬莱

      A group of crime scene cleaners struggle to escape a murder house after becoming trapped by an ancient Nordic demon that is hell-bent on driving them insane.

  • 死亡吞弑 Feed


    导演:Johannes Persson   编剧:Paolo Vacirca, Henry Stenberg


      A group of social media experts are hired to help an old family business to strive, by creating compelling stories about an old witch myth. But they soon find themselves stuck on a tiny island in a lake in which the ancient Swedish witch is said to live.

  • 赤月湖吸血鬼 Amityville Vampire


    导演:Tim Vigil   编剧:Tim Vigil, Carlos Perez

    主演:Sean Michael Billings, Ismaele Montone, Maggie Nolting, Cassidy Rose Gyetvan, Jose Acain, Miranda Melhado, Anthony Dearce, J Randall, Gustave Whinnery, Laura Meadows, Veronica Farren, Margaux Leigh Hamilton, Jin N. Tonic, Randy Oppenheimer, Tuesday Grant, Tom Newth, Haillye Young Miller, Kat Rodriguez

      A group of lakeside visitors who are terrorised by an ancient vampiric evil.

  • 吸血迷魂 I vampiri


    导演:里卡尔多·弗里达, 马里奥·巴瓦   编剧:J.V. Rhemo

    主演:吉安娜·玛丽娅·卡纳勒, 卡洛·丹杰洛, 达里奥·米凯利斯

      A mad scientist captures young women and drains their blood, in order to keep alive an ancient, evil duchess.

  • 创世记:创造与洪水 Genesi: La creazione e il diluvio

    类型:剧情片电影, 奇幻片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:埃曼诺·奥尔米   编剧:埃曼诺·奥尔米

    主演:Annabi Abdelialil, Omero Antonutti, Sabir Aziz

      Our journey begins in a Bedouin camp in the ancient lands of Asia Minor.

  • 巫毒诅咒 - 恶魔复仇 Voodoo Curse - Legba's Rache

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影, 犯罪片电影, 西部片电影

    导演:Stefan Svahn   编剧:

    主演:Daniel Flügger, Kalle Jabs, Dennis Klose

      A group of teenage Goths tries to summon a voodoo god at an ancient graveyard. While being sedated through medicals and high on drugs, they get surrounded and butchered by awaking voodoo zombies

  • 鬼压床 Bóng Đè


    导演:黎文杰   编剧:黎文杰

    主演:清美, 光俊, 梅吉薇, 妙妮

      A Vietnamese family moves into a centuries-old ancestral home, only to discover sinister secrets and visions in the old family's ancient crypt.

  • 狼人 The Wolf Man


    导演:雷·沃纳尔   编剧:亚伦·格兹考斯基, 科特· 西奥德梅克


      A man becomes afflicted by an ancient curse after he is bitten by a werewolf.

  • 恶魔的面具 Mask of the Devil

    类型:喜剧片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Richard Rowntree   编剧:Matthew Davies, Richard Rowntree

    主演:Martin W. Payne, Geoff Woodman, Kemal Yildirim

      After accepting a job at a low-rent pornographers, a feisty young woman must fight to survive against an ancient evil intent on killing everyone in its path.

  • 暗室 The Black Room

    类型:恐怖片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:罗伊·威廉·尼尔   编剧:阿瑟·斯特朗, 亨利·迈尔斯

    主演:波利斯·卡洛夫, 玛丽安·马什, 罗伯特·艾伦

      Ignoring an ancient prophecy, evil brother Gregor seeks to maintain his feudal power on his his Tyrolean estate by murdering and impersonating his benevolent younger twin.