
  • Avon的绿宝石链 The Avon Emeralds

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:布雷泰格内·温达斯特   编剧:William Fay, Joe Pidcock


      Scotland Yard is tasked with ensuring that the recently widowed Lady Gwendolyn Avon doesn't smuggle an expensive necklace known as Avon emeralds out of England. Most of her late husband's estate was given up in death taxes and the police are sure she could sell them at a premium abroad. Inspector Benson is tasked with ensuring the jewels' safekeeping but when they are stolen fr...

  • 钻石链 "Alfred Hitchcock Presents" The Diamond Necklace

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Herschel Daugherty   编剧:Sarett Rudley


      Jewelry firm casts out the last of a family who've been employees for 117 years - the company won't hire of the last of the line, because she's a woman. Faithful service goes unrewarded when her father is given a week to finish up, but he'll show how much he'll be missed via selling the firm's most expensive gem by his last day of 37 years service.

  • 多芬的失落链 طوق الحمامة المفقود

    类型:剧情片电影, 家庭片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:Nacer Khemir   编剧:Nacer Khemir

    主演:Navin Chowdhry, Walid Arakji, Ninar Esber, Sonia Hochlaff, Noureddine Kasbaoui

      This second feature in Nacer Khemir's Desert Trilogy is a visually ravishing folktale reminiscent of "The Thousand and One Nights." The story revolves around Hassan, who is studying Arabic calligraphy from a grand master. Coming across a fragment of manuscript, Hassan goes in search of the missing pieces, believing that once he finds them, he will learn the secrets of love. Wit...

  • 地狱变 第0话 これはゾンビですか? オブ・ザ・デッド 第0


    导演:金﨑貴臣   编剧:森田繁, 待田堂子



  • 風間公親-教場0- 特別編


    导演:中江功, 西岡和宏   编剧:君塚良一

    主演:木村拓哉, 堀田真由, 赤楚卫二, 新垣结衣, 北村匠海, 白石麻衣, 染谷将太, 滨田崇裕, 结木滉星, 小林薰, 小日向文世


  • 0与1的诱惑 Lie Down with Dogs

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:Wally White   编剧:

    主演:Wally White, Bash Halow

      Tommie is a young guy in Manhattan with a dead-end job handing out fliers in Times Square. At the beginning of a fateful summer, he has a chance encounter with a friend who tells Tommie that he's headed to Provincetown, on the Cape, for a long weekend. Tommie is inspired to make his own trek to P-town, where he goes on a summer long, balls-out quest for Mr. Right, even though h...

  • 真假学园0 木更津乱斗篇 マジすか学園0 木更津乱闘篇

    类型:剧情片电影, 动作片电影

    导演:大谷太郎   编剧:元麻布ファクトリー

    主演:指原莉乃, 綾小路翔, 儿玉遥, 宫脇咲良


  • 暗杀教室 Episode:0 相遇的时间 暗殺教室 Episode:0 出会いの時間


    导演:岸诚二   编剧:上江洲诚, 松井优征(原作)

    主演:杉田智和, 福山润, 渊上舞, 洲崎绫

      伴随着悠扬肃穆的《万福玛丽亚》的旋律,日本防务省特种部队精英乌间惟臣(杉田智和 配音)踩着坚毅的步伐走到了神秘牢房的最尽头。那里关押着一个令全世界政要闻风丧胆的人物——不久前刚刚把月亮蒸发掉七成的杀老师(福山润 配音)。当然此时杀老师还未就任椚椚丘中学,他坐在 硬化玻璃陨石制成的牢房内悠然自得,此前联合国倾尽全力都无法将其诛杀,高达20马赫的超级速度、能在大气层外活动的能力以及精通各国语言的机敏头脑,无疑是他成为将世人玩弄于鼓掌之中的神明。这是乌间和杀老师最初相遇的故事,地球的命运由此决定……

  • 死刑.net~第0章 死刑ドットネット ターン・ゼロ

    类型:悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:板牧良太   编剧:

    主演:井上奈美, 北面武士, 杉山瞬, 春野恵, 松本雄大


  • 流浪之月 Episode0 流浪の月 エピソード0

    类型:纪录片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:广濑铃, 松坂桃李, 横滨流星, 多部未华子, 李相日

      今回、U-NEXTにて独占無料配信となる「流浪の月 エピソード0」は、俳優たちが魂を削って撮影に挑んだ映画製作時の本音に迫る貴重な特別番組。