海报男孩 Poster Boy!

海报男孩 Poster Boy!

导演: Nick Sahoyah
编剧: Nick Sahoyah
上映日期: 2015-12-18
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海报男孩 Poster Boy!-电影剧情介绍

  《海报男孩 Poster Boy!》于2015-12-18上映。是由Nick Sahoyah执导, 由Nick Sahoyah担任主编, 演员Nick Sahoyah, Viktor Belmont, Elicia Sanchez等主演的《海报男孩 Poster Boy!》是一部短片, 同性类型电影。

  "Nick really should have put up those posters last week..."
  Comedic short film, written and directed by Nick Sahoyah. Filmed on Capitol Hill in Seattle, Washington.
  Featuring songs by Champagne Champagne: itunes.apple.com/us/artist/champagne-champagne/id415818206

海报男孩 Poster Boy!-电影演员表

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