萤火虫10周年纪念 Firefly 10th Anniversary: Browncoats Unite
萤火虫10周年纪念 Firefly 10th Anniversary: Browncoats Unite
萤火虫10周年纪念 Firefly 10th Anniversary: Browncoats Unite-导演: Jeff Jensen
萤火虫10周年纪念 Firefly 10th Anniversary: Browncoats Unite-编剧: Bruce Kennedy
萤火虫10周年纪念 Firefly 10th Anniversary: Browncoats Unite-电影类型: 科幻 , 纪录片
萤火虫10周年纪念 Firefly 10th Anniversary: Browncoats Unite-上映日期: 2012-11-11
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萤火虫10周年纪念 Firefly 10th Anniversary: Browncoats Unite-电影剧情介绍

  The gathering, before the San Diego Comicon of 2012, of several members of the original cast of 'Firefly.' Several cast members not present are interviewed and added to the presentation.
  Jeff Jensen moderates a roundtable discussion of the short-lived sci-fi series "Firefly," which was canceled during its first season but became a cult classic after its DVD release. Panelists i...

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