向阳忆旅 Viagem ao Sol

向阳忆旅 Viagem ao Sol

上映日期: 2021-11-20(阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片节)
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向阳忆旅 Viagem ao Sol-电影剧情介绍

  《向阳忆旅 Viagem ao Sol》于2021-11-20(阿姆斯特丹国际纪录片节)上映。是由Susana de Sousa Dias, Ansgar Schaefer执导的《向阳忆旅 Viagem ao Sol》电影。

  Just after the Second World War, 5,000 young children were sent from Austria to stay with host families in Portugal, where they could recover from the violence of war. They were often welcomed in by well-to-do families with domestic staff living in sunny villas, and for most of the children this was a holiday in paradise. The contrast with their living conditions at home, and t...

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