杂种犬们 Clebs

杂种犬们 Clebs

杂种犬们 Clebs-导演: Halima Ouardiri
杂种犬们 Clebs-编剧: Halima Ouardiri
杂种犬们 Clebs-主演:
杂种犬们 Clebs-电影类型: 纪录片电影, 短片电影
杂种犬们 Clebs-上映日期: 2019-11-17(加拿大)
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杂种犬们 Clebs-电影剧情介绍

  《杂种犬们 Clebs》于2019-11-17(加拿大)上映。是由Halima Ouardiri执导, 由Halima Ouardiri担任主编的《杂种犬们 Clebs》纪录片, 短片类型电影。

  For the 750 dogs that live in a Moroccan shelter, the daily routine consists of eating, resting, a bit of fighting and eating again. Could they possibly expect more from life? A pointed, cinematic commentary on mass confinement.

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