卫兵 The Guardsman

卫兵 The Guardsman

上映日期: 1931
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卫兵 The Guardsman-电影剧情介绍

  《卫兵 The Guardsman》于1931上映。是由Sidney Franklin执导, 由费伦茨·莫尔纳担任主编, 演员Alfred Lunt, Lynn Fontanne, Roland Young主演的《卫兵 The Guardsman》是一部剧情, 喜剧类型电影。

  A Vienna based acting couple make magic when they perform together on stage. Unknown to the theater going public and despite being married for only six months, that magic seems no longer to translate to their personal life, where they are constantly arguing, even under their breaths during on-stage curtain calls. These arguments stem from the actress' moody behavior, which the ...

卫兵 The Guardsman-电影演员表

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卫兵 The Guardsman-评论

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  • WillGoWild

    WillGoWild 2020-11-02 14:54:55

    Alfred Lunt的控制力太好了,难得的爱加戏的戏精角色都毫不招人烦,Lynn Fontanne的台词非常出色,尤其是识破戏码见招拆招时那种哄小孩式的宠溺语气。二人的形象演技和镜头表现力都高过同期的很多电影演员。

  • 王歌词

    王歌词 2020-07-07 06:46:51


  • \t^h/

    \t^h/ 2020-04-13 17:46:06

    其实就是个挺蠢的喜剧梗,但Lynn Fontanne最后那个眼神真是神来之笔。两位主演完全配得上他们戏剧界的名气,演电影简直比那时候若干talkie过渡期中的电影明星还自然。感觉Lunt如果想拍电影的话也能发展挺好的,毕竟年龄也就和W4一样。

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