狄更斯其人 Armando's Tale of Charles Dickens
狄更斯其人 Armando's Tale of Charles Dickens
狄更斯其人 Armando's Tale of Charles Dickens-导演:
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狄更斯其人 Armando's Tale of Charles Dickens-主演: 阿尔曼多·伊安努奇
狄更斯其人 Armando's Tale of Charles Dickens-电影类型: 纪录片
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狄更斯其人 Armando's Tale of Charles Dickens-电影剧情介绍

  《狄更斯其人/Armando's Tale of Charles Dickens》是一部英国纪录片,由阿曼多·阿努奇执导。这部纪录片通过研究查尔斯·狄更斯自传体小说《大卫·科波菲尔》,探究了狄更斯如何成为英国顶尖作家的过程。虽然狄更斯经常被称为社会改革家,以及他那些具有浓厚维多利亚风情的作品而闻名于世,但是这部BBC纪录片却以不同的角度来研究他的作品。纪录片狄更斯的作品出发,探讨了为什么他的作品如此引人入胜,以及这些作品对当代的启示。
  《狄更斯其人/Armando's Tale of Charles Dickens》是一部充满洞察力启发性纪录片,它不仅向观众展示了狄更斯的成就,还让人们思考他的作品如何在当代仍然具有意义。这部纪录片为观众提供了一个独特的机会,通过狄更斯的故事和作品,探索文学与社会的相互关系

  Armando Iannucci presents a personal argument in praise of the genius of Charles Dickens. Through the prism of the author's most autobiographical novel, David Copperfield, Armando looks beyond Dickens - the national institution - and instead explores the qualities of Dickens's work which still make him one of the best British writers.
  While Dickens is often celebrated for his powerful depictions of Victorian England and his role as a social reformer, this programme foregrounds the elements of his writing which make him worth reading, as much for what he tells us about ourselves in the twenty-first century as our ancestors in the nineteenth.
  Armando argues that Dickens's remarkable use of language and his extraordinary gift for creating characters make him a startlingly experimental and psychologically penetrating writer who demands not just to be adapted for television but to be read and read again.

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