籽苗 अंकुर

籽苗 अंकुर

类型: 剧情片电影
上映日期: 1977
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籽苗 अंकुर-电影剧情介绍

  《籽苗 अंकुर》于1977上映。是由夏姆·班尼戈尔执导, 由夏姆·班尼戈尔, Satyadev Dubey担任主编, 演员Shabana Azmi, Sadhu Meher, Anant Nag主演的《籽苗 अंकुर》是一部剧情类型电影。

  Laxmi lives a poor lifestyle in a small village in India along with her husband, Kishtaya, who is a deaf-mute. Both husband and wife work for the wealthy landlord. The landlord's son, Surya, has to cancel his studies and return home to look after the estate, as well as formalize his marriage to Saroj, the girl he was compelled to get married to when he was very young. Shortly t...

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