痴汉电车 痴漢電車 ちんちん発車

痴汉电车 痴漢電車 ちんちん発車

类型: 剧情片电影
上映日期: 1984-05
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痴汉电车 痴漢電車 ちんちん発車-电影剧情介绍

  《痴汉电车 痴漢電車 ちんちん発車》于1984-05上映。是由泷田洋二郎执导, 演员竹村祐佳, 松原冷, 甲斐よしみ主演的《痴汉电车 痴漢電車 ちんちん発車》是一部剧情类型电影。

  The world's greatest detective, Ippei Kuroda, is back and this time hired by a politician to find his estranged daughter. When the daughter is found qujuji.cc dead, the mystery deepens. Meanwhile, Kuroda's assistant tries to stop her arranged marriage to a country hick by shacking-up with a composer who writes symphonies on his calculator - when he's not groping women on the To...

痴汉电车 痴漢電車 ちんちん発車-电影演员表

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