怠惰 La paresse

怠惰 La paresse

类型: 短片电影
欢迎观看《怠惰 La paresse》电影, 该片由最新电影收集自网络。网站提供影视评价、影片主演列表、影片相关资讯、海报图片、 上映更新时间、主演等。如果你喜欢《怠惰 La paresse》,请把它分享给其他朋友,有您的支持我们会做的更好! 分享地址:  http://www.haosq123.com/movie/content/QnXe02NKbxr.html

怠惰 La paresse-电影剧情介绍

  《怠惰 La paresse》是由香特尔·阿克曼执导的《怠惰 La paresse》是一部短片类型电影。

  Akerman’s contribution to the anthology film Seven Women, Seven Sins (which also features shorts by the formidable Helke Sander, Bette Gordon, and Valie Export) is an amusing portrait of the director trying to overcome her own laziness (i.e., to get out of her bed by noon) in order to make her film about sloth, all while her partner Sonia Wieder-Atherton is hard at work. (The s...

怠惰 La paresse-电影演员表

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怠惰 La paresse-评论

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  • Youko

    Youko 2022-04-08 14:45:20


  • paradiso

    paradiso 2021-10-07 04:07:28


  • 丁一

    丁一 2021-04-16 08:52:27


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      Akerman’s contribution to the anthology film Seven Women, Seven Sins (which also features shorts by the formidable Helke Sander, Bette Gordon, and Valie Export) is an amusing portrait of the director trying to overcome her own laziness (i.e., to get out of her bed by noon) in order to make her film about sloth, all while her partner Sonia Wieder-Atherton is hard at work. (The s...

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