美国印象.南北战争之殇 Death and the Civil War

美国印象.南北战争之殇 Death and the Civil War

类型: 纪录片电影
上映日期: 2012-09-12
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美国印象.南北战争之殇 Death and the Civil War-电影剧情介绍

  《美国印象.南北战争之殇 Death and the Civil War》于2012-09-12上映。是由里克·伯恩斯执导, 由Ric Burns, Paul Taylor担任主编, 演员James Cromwell, Keith David主演的《美国印象.南北战争之殇 Death and the Civil War》是一部纪录片类型电影。

  Chronological look at the life and career of Johnny Carson (1925-2005), with commentary from an ex-wife and more than 30 fellow comedians, friends, employees, and biographers. The biography defines why Carson was an enduring star (his cool, his timing, his genuine laugh, his breadth of knowledge) and pursues his motivations and inner self (a loner with a drinking problem, a dec...

美国印象.南北战争之殇 Death and the Civil War-电影演员表

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美国印象.南北战争之殇 Death and the Civil War-评论

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  • Limbo

    Limbo 2021-10-19 20:15:20


  • Iberian

    Iberian 2021-01-17 08:19:28

    当然是因为Stark在里面配音才看的,看完觉得这个讲述内战的角度很独特,是讲内战是怎么改变美国人对“死亡”的看法,整个片子都很悲伤,Stark配的那两句从声音里就仿佛能看到他眼圈红了....而且他连配音角色都是士兵/军人,怪不得他说演<Kinky Boots>也是个转型的机会,但《醉乡民谣》里又演回去了

  • novich

    novich 2021-01-14 19:43:02


美国印象.南北战争之殇 Death and the Civil War 电影-相关推荐
