千言万语 A Thousand Words

千言万语 A Thousand Words

导演: Ted Chung
上映日期: 2008-05-04(洛杉矶亚太电影节)
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千言万语 A Thousand Words-电影剧情介绍

  《千言万语 A Thousand Words》于2008-05-04(洛杉矶亚太电影节)上映。是由Ted Chung执导, 演员Yoyao Hsueh, 纳西姆·帕杜雷德主演的《千言万语 A Thousand Words》是一部剧情, 短片类型电影。

  A young man riding the Metro in Los Angeles notices a young woman looking through her digital camera. They exchange glances, then she gets off the train, carrying a box of plants. As the train pulls away, he notices she has left the camera. Later that day, he looks through the photographs and can see that she's left her job and is moving to Boston. He also sees that she's taken...

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