大心脏 Un coeur gros comme ça

大心脏 Un coeur gros comme ça

大心脏 Un coeur gros comme ça-导演: François Reichenbach
大心脏 Un coeur gros comme ça-编剧: 弗朗索瓦·莱兴巴赫
大心脏 Un coeur gros comme ça-主演:
大心脏 Un coeur gros comme ça-电影类型: 纪录片电影
大心脏 Un coeur gros comme ça-上映日期: 1962
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大心脏 Un coeur gros comme ça-电影剧情介绍

  《大心脏 Un coeur gros comme ça》于1962上映。由François Reichenbach执导, 编剧弗朗索瓦·莱兴巴赫主编的《大心脏 Un coeur gros comme ça》纪录片类型电影。

  Abdulaye Faye,23 ,is a young black man from Senegal.While working in a factory ,he is training for a boxing match. He is an endearing guy, a bit naive,but,as the title reads ,he's really bighearted . We follow him through the streets of Paris . He meets a Japanese girl and they go boating but their relationship comes to a sudden end:she's married . Abdulaye is a true believer,h...

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    丁一 2018-12-10 07:12:50


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