玉眼猫 Il gatto dagli occhi di giada

玉眼猫 Il gatto dagli occhi di giada

导演: Antonio Bido
上映日期: 1977-08-06
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玉眼猫 Il gatto dagli occhi di giada-电影剧情介绍

  《玉眼猫 Il gatto dagli occhi di giada》于1977-08-06上映。是由Antonio Bido执导, 由Vittorio Schiraldi, Roberto Natale, Aldo Serio等担任主编, 演员Corrado Pani, Paola Tedesco, Franco Citti等主演的《玉眼猫 Il gatto dagli occhi di giada》是一部悬疑, 惊悚, 恐怖类型电影。

  A pharmacist is murdered, and a woman happens to see the culprit leave the scene. She soon finds herself being stalked by the killer, and when her boyfriend tries to discover who the murderer is and stop him, he begins to find out that there is much more to the murder than the ordinary killing it first appeared to be.

玉眼猫 Il gatto dagli occhi di giada-评论

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  • EliseoArrigoni

    EliseoArrigoni 2020-08-30 00:21:46

    3.5 Giallo中为数不多不卖色情的,太中规中矩了,这个题材其实可以拍得更好一点。

  • 罗西基

    罗西基 2020-07-20 08:15:18


  • 琧婯

    琧婯 2019-09-23 19:08:46

    Trans Europa Express的配乐不错 死亡民谣? 电影太一般了

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