无毒不丈夫 無毒不丈夫-搜索结果

  • 无毒不丈夫 無毒不丈夫


    导演:萧荣   编剧:邓光荣, 梁立人

    主演:邓光荣, 龙刚, 刘鹤年, 罗石青, 亦嘉, 白文彪, 刘敏仪, 谈泉庆, 韩江


  • Cast a Dark Shadow


    导演:刘易斯·吉尔伯特   编剧:珍妮特·格林, 约翰·克雷斯韦尔

    主演:德克·博加德, 玛格丽特·洛克伍德

      A clever fortune-hunter with a penchant for murder does in his elderly, supposedly rich, wife and manages to get away with it. After an investigation results in a decision of 'accidental death', our crafty killer discovers that his late wife's 'fortune' is not what he thought it was. Driven to find another unsuspecting spouse; he discovers that his new bride, a widow, is no foo...

  • Mais vous êtes fous


    导演:奥黛丽·迪万   编剧:玛西娅·罗马诺, 奥黛丽·迪万

    主演:皮奥·马麦, 席琳·赛莱, 卡罗尔·法兰克, 让-马利·文灵, 薇拉莉·邓泽里
