大地 Terra-搜索结果

  • 大地 Terra


    导演:扬·阿尔蒂斯-贝特朗, 迈克尔·皮蒂奥   编剧:迈克尔·皮蒂奥



  • 痛苦的大地 Terra em Transe


    导演:格劳贝尔·罗恰   编剧:格劳贝尔·罗恰

    主演:Flávio Migliaccio, Telma Reston, José Marinho, Francisco Milani, Emmanuel Cavalcanti, Zózimo Bulbul, Antônio Câmera, Echio Reis, Maurício do Valle, 扎德尔·弗赫, 若泽·卢戈伊, 格劳塞·罗沙, 乌戈·卡尔瓦纳, 马里奥·拉戈, 保罗·塞萨尔·佩雷奥, Paulo Gracindo, Danuza Leão, Paulo Autran, Joffre Soares, Modesto De Souza


  • 孤儿 Órfãos da Terra

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:André Câmara   编剧:Thelma Guedes, Duca Rachid

    主演:阿兰·索萨·利玛, 雷欧娜· 卡瓦利, 圭列尔迈·方起司, Verônica Debom, 默罕麦德·哈法齐, 马尔塞洛·梅迪奇, Nicette Bruno, 欧斯玛·普拉多, 贝蒂·葛夫曼, Breno Delatorre, 海尔森·卡普里, 卡尔默·达拉·维奇亚, 莱提西娅·萨贝特拉, Ana Julia Dorigon, Ana Cecília Costa, 马尔科·里卡, 卡罗尔·卡斯特鲁, 艾曼纽埃拉·阿劳霍, 丹通·梅罗, 伊莉安内· 贾尔迪尼, 保罗·贝蒂, Rodrigo Simas, Cristiane Amorim, Filipe Bragança, Julia Dalavia, 雷纳托·戈埃斯, Alice Wegmann, 彼娅·阿兰其思, Eli Ferreira, 布鲁诺·加布雷里佐, Vitor Thiré, Guilhermina Libanio, Kaysar Dadour

      Vítimas da guerra da Síria, Missade (Ana Cecília Costa) e Elias (Marco Ricca) fogem para o Líbano com seus filhos, Khaled (Rodrigo Vidal) e Laila (Julia Dalavia) – que aceita se casar com o sheik Aziz (Herson Capri) em troca de dinheiro para pagar o tratamento do irmão, que ficou gravemente ferido. Porém, quando o irmão morre, a moça foge para o Brasil com seus pais, irritando ...

  • 之母 Terra Mater – Mother Land


    导演:Kantarama Gahigiri   编剧:Kantarama Gahigiri

    主演:Cheryl Isheja

      There she stands, confidently, like a goddess of technological junk, surrounded by endless mountains of rubbish, plastic, stench and rare earths. Her accusations are angry, composed and to the point.

  • 在波动 La terra trema


    导演:卢基诺·维斯康蒂   编剧:安东尼奥·彼得兰杰利, 乔万尼·维尔加, 卢基诺·维斯康蒂

    主演:Giovanni Greco, Ignazio Maccarone, Giovanni Maiorana, Antonino Micale, 安东尼奥·彼得兰杰利, 卢基诺·维斯康蒂, Antonio Arcidiacono, Giuseppe Arcidiacono, Venera Bonaccorso, Nicola Castorino, Rosa Catalano, Rosa Costanzo, Alfio Fichera, Carmela Fichera, Rosario Galvagno, Agnese Giammona, Nelluccia Giammona


  • 的年纪 A Idade da Terra


    导演:格劳贝尔·罗恰   编剧:卡斯特罗·阿尔维斯, 格劳贝尔·罗恰

    主演:Maurício do Valle, Jece Valadão


  • 显著的土 Terra que marca


    导演:Raul Domingues   编剧:

    主演:Maria Alice Sousa, Manual Jesus Duro, Joaquim Sousa, Manuel Carpalhoso, José António Sousa, Luís Mil Homens, Manuel Carlos, Luís Carpalhoso, Edmundo Lisboa, Maria Alice Domingues

      Raul Domingues returns to his hometown, near Leiria, to observe the work being done on fallow land by the oldest members of the rural community. Just like them, he looks down at the ground, and up at the sky only when a storm approaches. He composes phrases of his cinematic poem about the Portuguese province from calloused human hands, flowers, and horsehair. He declares his de...

  • 后代的土 La terra dei figli

    类型:剧情片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:克劳迪奥·库佩利尼   编剧:克劳迪奥·库佩利尼, Gian Alfonso Pacinotti, Guido Iuculano, 菲利波·格拉维诺

    主演:瓦莱丽亚·戈利诺, 瓦莱里奥·马斯坦德雷亚, Fabrizio Ferracane

      Civilisation is coming to an end. The death of his only relative gives a feral boy the pretext to journey beyond the confines of his home environment; only by doing this will he be able to decipher his father's journal, the most valuable artefact in his legacy. This singular contribution to the post-apocalyptic sci-fi genre tells of a humanity in crisis, while at the same time ...

  • 看看球 Uno sguardo alla Terra


    导演:Peter Marcias   编剧:Peter Marcias

    主演:何塞·路易斯·格林, 托默·贺曼, 萨赫拉·卡里米, 温琴佐·马拉, 布里兰特·曼多萨, Mehrdad Oskouei, 克莱尔·西蒙, 王兵

      Sardinia 2017. The starting point for the film is one of the most loved lands in the Mediterranean, using it to enter into the world of cinema. Ten international masters of cinema explain Fiorenzo Serra's images, one of the greatest post-war Italian documentary makers. Is masterpiece, "The last punch of Earth", will be analyzed and debated, a film which examined Italian change ...

  • 球非月球 É na Terra não é na Lua


    导演:贡萨路·图歇   编剧:

    主演:Gonçalo Tocha, Dídio Pestana

      A cameraman and a soundman arrive in Corvo in 2007, the smallest island in the archipelago of the Azores. Right in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, Corvo is a large rock, 6km high and 4km long, with the crater of a volcano and a single tiny village of 440 people. Gradually, this small filming crew is accepted by the island’s population as its new inhabitants, two people to add...