
  • 勒的筑 Schindlers Häuser


    导演:海因茨·艾米高斯   编剧:海因茨·艾米高斯


      无对白纪录片《辛勒的筑》(2007)展示奥地利裔美国筑师鲁道夫•辛勒(Rudolph Schindler)于1921至1952年间设计的四十栋筑。

  • 诺伍筑师 "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" The Norwood Builder

    类型:悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:Ken Grieve   编剧:Arthur Conan Doyle, John Hawkesworth

    主演:Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Colin Jeavons

      Knowing that he is about to be arrested for murder, John Hector McFarlane asks for Sherlock Holmes' assistance in establishing his innocence. McFarlane is a solicitor who was visited the previous day by Jonas Oldacre who wanted to draw up a will. McFarlane was astonished to learn that Oldacre was naming him as the beneficiary of his fortune. McFarlane had never met the man who ...

  • 世界筑艺术:绍包豪斯 Baukunst: Das Bauhaus in Dessau


    导演:弗雷里克·孔潘   编剧:



  • 弗兰克·劳埃·赖特:筑美国之人 Frank Lloyd Wright The Man Who Built America


    导演:Ian Michael Jones   编剧:Ian Michael Jones

    主演:Jonathan Adams

      Frank Lloyd Wright is America's greatest-ever architect. However, few people know about the Welsh roots that shaped his life and world-famous buildings. Now, leading Welsh architect Jonathan Adams sets off across America to explore Frank Lloyd Wright's masterpieces for himself. Along the way, he uncovers the tempestuous life story of the man behind them and the significance of ...

  • 尉迟恭


    导演:郝一平   编剧:高怀国, 王平, 王正

    主演:晋松, 刘芳毓, 何中华, 李庆祥

      该片以唐代名将 尉迟恭的生平故事为主线,讲述了尉迟恭 的戎马一生。影片塑造了尉迟恭忠君、爱 民、爱妻儿,忠勇仁义、护佑一方的形 象。他镇守边疆几年如一日,先后击败王 世充、窦建德、刘黑闼、徐园朗等,玄武 门之变时出力甚多,成为大唐建国的功臣 之一。当唐太宗夜不能寐时,他和秦琼为 唐太宗守夜,故此广为百姓所爱戴,被民 间尊为“门神。