
  • 状态 Wymyk

    类型:剧情, 动作

    导演:格雷格·泽格林斯基   编剧:格雷格·泽格林斯基

    主演:罗伯特·温茨凯维奇, 卢卡斯·辛拉特, 加布里埃拉·穆斯卡拉, 马里安·杰奇茨, 安娜·托马斯泽维卡

      Fred and Jurek witness a young woman being harassed on a train. Jurek tries to help and is thrown from the train. Fred claims to have been knocked out, but a cell phone video appears showing a petrified Fred watching as Jurek is mercilessly attacked. He is afraid of facing people because he suffers from the guilt that he couldn’t help his brother.

  • 状态更新 Status Update


    导演:斯科特·斯皮尔   编剧:Jason Filardi

    主演:Vivian Full, Tyronne L'Hirondelle, Alexandra Siegel, 尼古拉斯·李, 罗斯·林奇, 奥利维亚·霍尔特, 哈维·吉兰, 考特尼·伊顿, 格雷格·萨克因, 布瑞克·巴辛格, Maude Green, Markian Tarasiuk, 安德鲁·海尔, Micah, 奥斯汀·奥比晶瓦

      Ross Lynch stars as Kyle Moore, a teenager who after being uprooted by his parents' separation and unable to fit into his new hometown, stumbles upon a magical app that causes his social media updates to come true.

  • 最佳状态 Tant qu'on a la santé


    导演:皮埃尔·埃泰   编剧:皮埃尔·埃泰, 让-克劳德·卡里埃尔

    主演:皮埃尔·埃泰, 丹尼斯·佩罗讷, Simone Fonder

      Pierre est un jeune homme sérieux et posé. Mais il se sent peu à l'aise dans son siècle et toutes sortes de mésaventures l'attendent. Un petit chef-d'œuvre satirique et burlesque.

  • 我不想失去状态 I Don't Want to Lose Form

    类型:喜剧, 爱情, 短片

    导演:纳卢拜·库诺 Naruebet Kuno   编剧:纳卢拜·库诺

    主演:普提蓬·阿萨拉塔纳功, 克里特·安努艾德奇康, 瓦奇拉坦蓬, Tang Tawanwad Wanavit

  • 毁灭状态 Kill Mode

    类型:动作, 科幻

    导演:Thijs Meuwese   编剧:Thijs Meuwese, Kris Patmo

    主演:Mareille Labohm, 戴夫·曼特尔, 茱莉娅·巴特兰, Yasmin Loïs Blake, Cyriel Guds, 泰德·尼利, Manouk van der Meulen, Burt Rutteman, Rein van Duivenboden, Wesley Mutsaars, Geoffrey Thompson, 克里斯·帕特莫

      In a gritty near future, an ex freedom fighter reluctantly jumps back into the fold after discovering a disturbing secret that could bring down the company that owns the world.

  • 蚊之状态 Mosquito State

    类型:剧情, 奇幻

    导演:菲利普·扬·莱姆萨   编剧:菲利普·扬·莱姆萨, Mario Zermeno

    主演:博·纳普, 夏洛特·维嘉


  • 理想状态 理想狀態


    导演:苏明彥, 吴季恩, 楊凱諺, 詹凯迪, 詹京霖, 詹嘉文, 陈克勤, 庄绚维, 黄信尧, 徐汉强, 黄靖闵, 柯贞年, 廖克发, 罗伟恩, 苏文圣   编剧:



  • 恋爱状态 สถานะรักเธอ

    类型:爱情, 同性

    导演:   编剧:Chim Sedthawut Inboon

    主演:Pheeranut Athicomnanta, Nine Summasub


  • 思想状态:控制心理学 State of Mind: The Psychology of Control


    导演:詹姆斯·莱恩   编剧:Richard Andrew Grove, Kevin L. Cole

    主演:Anthony Schaeffer, Eldon Taylor, Douglas Valentine, Lisa Arbercheski, Kaye Beach, G. Edward Griffin, Richard Andrew Grove, Kurt Haskell, Charlotte Iserbyte, 亚历克斯·琼斯, Bruce Levine, Jon Rappoport, 克雷格·罗伯兹, 柯林·罗斯

      State Of Mind: The Psychology Of Control, from the creators of A Noble Lie: Oklahoma City 1995, reveals that much of what we believe to be truth is actually deliberate deception. The global elites are systematically implanting lies into our consciousness to erect a "tyranny over the minds of men." This film exposes the mind control methods being used to turn our once vibrant ...