
  • 我为清洁狂 第一季 Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners Season 1

    类型:纪录片, 真人秀

    导演:   编剧:


      Obsessive cleaners team up to clean some of Britain's dirty homes.
      Linda Dykes is a compulsive cleaner from North Wales. She loves cleaning so much she's set up her own cleaning agency.
      Linda believes that compulsive cleaners have a special set of skills that could change the habits of the nation, and so she's teaming up with other obsessive cleaners to help clean Britain's dir...

  • 清洁工 Cleaning Up


    导演:刘易斯·阿诺德   编剧:Mark Marlow

    主演:谢里丹·史密斯, 罗伯特·埃姆斯, 布兰卡·卡蒂奇, 尼尔·马斯克尔, 马修·麦克诺提, 赫洛·费因斯-提芬, 米兰卡·布鲁克斯, 亚历克斯·乔丹, 伊恩·克宁汉, 沃克斯豪尔·杰梅因, 理查德·皮泼

      故事描述普通工薪阶层女性Sam(Sheridan Smith)被夹在两个世界之间——一方面,她是个忠于家庭的贤妻良母,过着平凡的日常生活;另一方面,她在危险的内线交易中越陷越深。看上去Sam只是个什么都不懂的办公室清洁女工,和成千上万清洁女工一样干的是「零时工合同」(zero hours contract)工作。每当金丝雀码头(伦敦金融区)的办公室文员都回家休息,便是她们开始擦窗、扫地、倒垃圾的时间。一天天起早贪黑,只能赚几个辛苦钱。更糟糕的是,Sam因为沉迷于在线赌博早就债台高筑。但是Sam具备许多人都部具备的先天优势:她是极少数能最早获悉宝贵的股市信息的人。如果应用得当,所有的愿望都能成真,她很快就变成大富婆了。

  • 清洁工 Removal


    导演:Nick Simon   编剧:Daniel Meersand, 尼克·西蒙

    主演:Oz Perkins, Evan Helmuth


  • 清洁公司 Tirelire Combines & Cie


    导演:Jean Beaudry   编剧:Jacques A. Desjardins

    主演:Vincent Bolduc, Pierre-Luc Brillant, Delphine Piperni, Alexandra Laverdière, Mathieu Lachapelle

      Three children, Benoît, Charles and Marie, provide housekeeping services to creatively spend their time during the summer school vacations while making extra pocket money. Their small business becomes very successful in the neighborhood, but goes terribly wrong when jealousy, sabotage, fraud, and a failed love story begin.

  • 清洁工 The Cleaning Lady

    类型:惊悚, 恐怖

    导演:乔恩·克劳兹   编剧:亚历克西斯·肯德拉, 乔恩·克劳兹

    主演:Zarif, Nicole Danielle Watts, Kai Cofer, Skye Sea, 亚历克西斯·肯德拉, 斯特里奥·萨万特, 瑞秋·艾里格, 伊莉莎白·桑迪, Mykayla Sohn, JoAnne McGrath, Keri Marrone, Robert Hugh Starr, Carla Wynn, Kim Marie Cooper, Logan Garretson

      As a means to distract herself from an affair, a love-addicted woman befriends a cleaning lady, badly scarred by burns. She soon learns, these scars run much deeper than the surface.

  • 清洁饮食,肮脏真相 Horizon - Clean Eating, The Dirty Truth


    导演:Tristan Quinn   编剧:Tristan Quinn

    主演:Giles Yeo

      "Clean Eating"是欧美正在流行的趋势,新鲜、自然的食材能"清洁"身体,但事实果真如此吗,新陈代谢专家Giles Yeo博士深入调查。
      Dr Giles Yeo investigates the latest diet craze and social media sensation - clean eating. Giles cooks with Ella Mills and sifts through the claims of the Hemsley sisters.

  • 高中清洁工 Cleaners


    导演:Glenn Barit   编剧:Glenn Barit

    主演:Ianna Taguinod, Leomar Baloran, Julian Narag, Carlo Mejia, Gianne Rivera, Charisse Mabbonag, Allan Gannaban, Andrei Marquez

      Different students from a high school cleaners group each deal with different pressures of being clean and pure while also discovering that the world is dirty and superficial to begin with.

  • 清洁工汤姆 Tom Sweep

    类型:动画, 短片

    导演:Michael Dudok de Wit   编剧:



  • 清洁工 第二季 The Cleaning Lady Season 2

    类型:剧情, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:米兰·赫伊洛夫   编剧:

    主演:Filip Sertic, 伊万·肖, Travis Siemon, 莉莎·维尔, Dean Allen Williams, 艾洛蒂·袁, 阿丹·坎托, 艾娃·德·多米尼奇, Faith Bryant, 艾迪·弗莱克, Chelsea Frei, 奥利弗·赫斯顿, Lily Lei, Sean Lew, Martha Millan, 纳维德·内加班

      When whip-smart Cambodian doctor Thony De La Rosa comes to the United States for medical treatment to save her ailing son, she soon discovers her path won't be as straightforward as she had hoped. As the system quickly fails her, pushing her into hiding, she resolves not to allow herself to be beaten down and marginalized and becomes a cleaning lady for organized crime. Using h...

  • 清洁妇杀手 Fatma

    类型:剧情, 惊悚, 犯罪

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:伯库·比里克, Gökçe Eyüboglu, Deniz Sen Hamzaoglu, Melis Sezen

      Basak Abacigil 出品,初出茅庐的编剧奥兹古尔·奥努尔梅担任创剧人和导演。这部剧集讲述了法蒂玛(35 岁)的故事,她是一名普通的清洁女工,她刚出狱的丈夫扎菲尔失踪了,而她在寻找丈夫时意外犯下了谋杀罪行。扎菲尔狡诈的地下同伙很快便发现了她的所作所为,要在这个男人的世界里生存下来,她唯一的方法就是继续杀人。她每次都能逃脱惩罚,因为没有人会怀疑一名普通的清洁工,这层身份也为她成为隐形杀手做了很好的掩饰。最后,谋杀成为她发泄多年来压抑的挣扎和悲伤的出口,也是她必须面对的新的自我组成部分。