
  • 언프레임드


    导演:朴正民, 孙锡久, 崔嬉序, 李帝勋   编剧:李帝勋

    主演:丁海寅, 朴昭怡, 崔嬉序, 林成宰, 李东辉, 表艺珍, 汤峻相, 金多艺, 申譞洙


  • 爱情对话

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影

    导演:张中亮   编剧:

    主演:盛一伦, 陈米麒, 王禹, 许梦圆

      在一次酒会举办的活动上,陈宇(盛一伦 饰)偶遇职业试睡师杜鹃(陈米麒 饰),两人一间钟情。因两人的工作地点不一样,从此开始了远距离的恋爱,陪伴他们爱情的生活只有手机视频和彻夜长谈。随着时间的推移,两人的矛盾逐渐累积并开始处于冷战。在众人的劝说及开导下,两人渐渐懂得了珍惜与陪伴,曾经相爱的点滴涌现的脑海中,长时间累积的思念瞬间爆发...

  • 里的女人


    导演:查理·德莫   编剧:米歇尔·菲思勒, 查理·德莫

    主演:范冰冰, 梅尔维尔·珀波, 黄觉, 吴越, 金士杰, 陈莎莉, 蒂博·德·蒙塔朗贝尔, 费奥多尔·阿特金


  • 在边里兜风 Cycling the Frame

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Cynthia Beatt   编剧:辛西娅·贝特

    主演:Tilda Swinton

      In 1988, Tilda Swinton toured round the Berlin Wall on a bicycle - starting and ending at the Brandenburg Gate - accompanied by filmmaker Cynthia Beatt. As Swinton travels through fields and historic neighborhoods, past lakes and massive concrete apartment buildings, the Wall is a constant presence.

  • 看不见的架 The Invisible Frame


    导演:Cynthia Beatt   编剧:

    主演:Tilda Swinton

      In 1988 the British director Cynthia Beatt, who is based in Berlin, embarked on a journey into little-known territory. She filmed Tilda Swinton as they followed the Berlin Wall, capturing the inward-looking West Berlin and the over-the-Wall views of East Berlin. Today “Cycling the Frame“ is a rare historic document and Tilda Swinton, who was honoured with the Oscar last year, i...

  • 恐惧之3 Frames of Fear 3


    导演:Dustin Ferguson, Richard Mogg, Brad Twigg, Matt Watts   编剧:Richard Mogg, Mick Watson, Todd Martin


  • 中的男人 Человек в рамке

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:费多尔·希特鲁克   编剧:费多尔·希特鲁克



  • 奇怪的架:爱与萨克斯 Strange Frame: Love & Sax

    类型:科幻片电影, 动画片电影

    导演:GB Hajim   编剧:Shelley Doty, G.B. Hajim

    主演:Claudia Black, Tara Strong, Ron Glass

      28th century, 200 years after the Great Earth Exodus. Naia, a feisty, young singer/songwriter, falls in love with the beautiful saxophonist Parker in Ganymede, one of Jupiter's moons. The two form a band - and now they have to not only make it as musicians but also to fight for their freedom. Dramatically rendered in rich, hand drawn animation, Strange Frame brings us into a wo...

  • 赫尔穆特·牛顿:边缘之 Frames from the Edge

    类型:纪录片电影, 传记片电影

    导演:Adrian Maben   编剧:Adrian Maben

    主演:Adrian Maben, 坎迪斯·伯根, 蒂娜·布朗, 凯瑟琳·德纳芙, 费·唐纳薇, 罗伯特·埃文斯, 卡尔·拉格斐, 赫尔穆特·牛顿, June Newton, 夏洛特·兰普林, 西格妮·韦弗

      A camera crew follows Helmut Newton, the fashion and ad photographer whose images of tall, blond, big-breasted women are part of the iconography of twentieth-century erotic fantasy. He's on the go from L.A., to Paris, to Monte-Carlo, to Berlin, where he was a youth until he escaped from the Nazis in 1936. We see him on shoots, interviewing models, and discussing his work. It's ...

  • 黑色芳心 Female Perversions


    导演:Susan Streitfeld   编剧:Louise J. Kaplan, Julie Hébert

    主演:蒂尔达·斯温顿 Tilda Swinton, 玛西亚·克劳斯

      银幕上的蒂妲丝云顿从不甘于被困于框框内。在《黑色芳心》里她演的律师正遴选委任为法官,但在法庭以外的她却别有癖好。她对自己的身体份外着迷、对一切充满疑惑,尤其是她跟情人的关系。她也沉醉于名贵化妆品与华衣美服之中。其实这些都不算什么癖好,直至她迷上刚搬入她所住的大厦的精神科女医生。屋漏更兼逢夜雨,自此她的烦恼接踵而来,她那正准备完成博士论文的妹妹又因窃盗癖再次被捕。影片改编自精神分析学家 Louise J‭. ‬Kaplan 的销畅非小说,成为紧凑慑人的情欲疑团,一步一惊心。

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