
  • 未来杀手 Future-Kill

    类型:喜剧片电影, 科幻片电影, 恐怖片电影, 冒险片电影

    导演:Ronald W. Moore   编剧:

    主演:Edwin Neal, Marilyn Burns, Gabriel Folse

      《未来杀手》是Ronald W. Moore执导的冒险片,Edwin Neal和Marilyn Burns出演,于1985年上映。 该片讲述了一群自称“变种人”的抗议者占领了一座大城市的市中心街道,一群兄弟会男孩不经意间因谋杀  变种人领袖而被陷害,在废弃的建筑物和黑暗的街道上被疯狂的飞溅物和他的帮派追捕的故事。

      A group of protesters who call themselves 'mutants' have taken over the inner city streets of a large city. They dress weird to try and show the effects of toxic poisoning. One of the mutants, Splatter, has really been affected. A group of fraternity boys decide to go into the mutant territory and kidnap one of the mutants as a prank. They inadvertently get framed for the murder of the mutant leader and are hunted through the abandoned buildings and dark streets by a crazed Splatter and his gang.

  • 未来杀手 The Perfect Weapon

    类型:动作片电影, 科幻片电影

    导演:Titus Paar   编剧:Alex Brenner, Jesse Cilio

    主演:萨沙·杰克逊, 史蒂文·西格尔, 约翰尼·梅辛纳, 理查德·泰森, 弗农·威尔斯, 兰斯·E·尼克尔斯

      In the not so distant future, society is controlled by the powerful State and a dictator known as the Director. Condor works as a hitman for the State, but a reunion with someone he thought was dead forces him to consider who his enemies really are. -by- http://www.btfensi.com/

  • 乐队:编排现场 The Killers: Unstaged


    导演:沃纳·赫尔佐格   编剧:

    主演:The Killers


  • 挑战3:残酷猎 Nemesis III: Prey Harder

    类型:动作片电影, 科幻片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:Albert Pyun   编剧:Rebecca Charles

    主演:Sue Price, 蒂姆·汤默逊, 诺伯特·魏塞尔


  • 确认银翼续集 Unconfirmed 'Blade Runner' Another Sequel


    导演:   编剧:汉普顿·范彻


      《银翼》和《银翼2049》的编剧汉普顿·范彻日前接受了Discussing Film的专访,谈到了他很想再写一部《银翼》的续集作品,并且对故事的发展已经有了具体计划。

  • 地球知档案:机器人 Unknown: Killer Robots


    导演:赫塞·斯维特   编剧:


      Artificial intelligence is infiltrating every level of the armed forces, from infantry on the front lines to command centers conducting global-scale operations. A terrifying behind-the-scenes look at this high-stakes issue, following military-funded scientists racing to build this technology and ethicists scrambling to awaken the world to its apocalyptic potential.

  • 自西西里的女 La ragazza con la pistola


    导演:马里奥·莫尼切利   编剧:鲁道夫·索内戈, 路易吉·马尼

    主演:Monica Vitti, 斯坦利·贝克, 科林·雷德格瑞夫

      携枪的女孩,于1968年由马克奥莫尼切利执导,领衔主演包括莫尼卡维蒂、斯坦利·贝克、Carlo Giuffrè,这是意大利最成功的喜剧之一。