
  • 故障 Abwärts


    导演:Carl Schenkel   编剧:

    主演:Götz George, Renée Soutendijk, Wolfgang Kieling


  • 故障状况 Scurtcircuit


    导演:克特林·萨伊泽斯库   编剧:

    主演:康斯坦丁·弗洛雷斯库, Gabriela Soltuz, Georgiana Saizescu


  • 矩阵故障 A Glitch in the Matrix


    导演:罗德尼·阿谢尔   编剧:

    主演:Nick Bostrom, Joshua Cooke, Erik Davis, Paul Gude

      Documentary filmmaker Rodney Ascher tackles this question "are we living in a simulation?" with testimony, philosophical evidence and scientific explanation in his for the answer.

  • 碍 Hurdles


    导演:   编剧:


      女人和女孩一直需要面对各种碍,但这从未阻挡过我们前进的脚步。我们牺牲,战斗, 争取,获得成功,被打败,然后再次站起来。在争取公平的比赛中,为了赢得我们的权利,我们跨越了无数的碍。

  • 类型:动作片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:刘贤, 徐天予   编剧:



  • Barricade

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:安德鲁·库瑞   编剧:Michaelbrent Collings

    主演:艾瑞克·麦柯马克, 朱迪·汤普森, 康纳·德威莉, Ryan Grantham, 唐纳利·罗德, Dalias Blake

      在妻子莉(朱迪·汤普森 Jody Thompson 饰)去世一年后的圣诞节,年轻有为的医生泰伦斯·赛德(艾瑞克·麦柯马克 Eric McCormack 饰)驱车带着女儿辛希娅(科娜·德维利 Conner Dwelly 饰)和儿子杰克(瑞恩·格莱瑟姆 Ryan Grantham 饰)前往位于某个山林腹地的小木屋共度佳节。一路上车马劳顿,加上半路突发的一个小车祸,这些都没有冲淡孩子们心中对快乐的期待。夜幕降临,辛希娅和杰克,沉沉睡去,泰伦斯物资怀念着妻子生前的种种,可就在此时,一张恐怖的面孔从窗口一闪而过。

  • Barricade

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:蒂莫·罗斯   编剧:

    主演:Raine Brown, Joe Zaso

      After several years apart, old friends Nina and Michael reunite in Germany, accompanied by Michael's associate, David. The three decide to take a weekend trip into the woods to escape the stress of their lives and relax for a few days. Unfortunately, the woods are inhabited by a long-forgotten family of cannibalistic mountain people - and these three look like the perfect meal....

  • Ikonostasat


    导演:Christo Christov, 托多尔·迪诺夫   编剧:Christo Christov, 托多尔·迪诺夫, Dimitar Talev

    主演:Dimitar Tashev, Emilia Radeva, Violeta Gindeva

      In late 19th century, a carver-cutter arrives in a little town to make the iconostasis of the newly built church. He is being accommodated in the house of a respected family. He is working slowly because of his love for the daughter of his hosts. They resist in every possible way and pay a high price: Their daughter dies. Though in despair, the master completes the iconostasis:...

  • 白内 Cataracte


    导演:Faustine Crespy, Laetitia de Montalembert   编剧:Faustine Crespy, Laetitia de Montalembert


      妮姬,一个边缘又古怪的女人,失去了最后的家庭津贴补助,她决定要结束生命来了结这一切。她将她的狗伊齐托付给了邻居,就当她以为一切已安置妥当,她的邻居却突然反悔将狗还给她,但妮姬已服下大量的药物,一场与时间的赛跑开始了,她只剩下一个解决方案,就是将伊齐托付给来家中做访视的巴 黎家庭补助局员工贾克。
      以介于剧情片与荒诞喜剧间的手法,导演Faustine Crespy和Laetitia de Montalembert探讨了社会救助的可及性与补助条件等问题。两位出色的演员(还有一只狗!)将这部电影以独特、充满诗意及幽默的口吻,唤起大众对社会边缘人士的关注。

  • 碍 Bariera

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:杰兹·斯科利莫夫斯基   编剧:杰兹·斯科利莫夫斯基

    主演:瑞丝扎德·哈宁, Andrzej Herder, Malgorzata Lorentowicz, 兹古蒙特·马拉诺维兹奇, Gabriel Nehrebecki, Stanislaw Tym, 比涅尤·扎塔西奇斯, 安杰伊·扎尔内茨基, Janusz Bukowski, 乔安娜·什切尔比茨, 扬·诺维茨基, 塔德乌什·罗姆尼斯基, Maria Malicka, Zdzislaw Maklakiewicz, Ryszard Pietruski, Bogdan Baer, Henryk Bak, Marta Dutkiewicz, Stefan Friedmann, B. Gutewicz

      Barrier is comparable to Last Year at Marienbad with its non-linear development, mysterious characters and inexplicable mis-en-scene. It also shares the guerrilla film-making style of the French New Wave. It is one of Skolimowski's best.
      The film follows a newly graduated medical student in his pursuit of an unattainable woman. He follows her through the streets of 60s ...