
  • 坏女孩 the wrong girl

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:杰森·伯格   编剧:彼得·沙利文

    主演:克丽斯滕·齐恩, 莎拉·格雷

      Sophia, a smart but quiet high schooler, strikes up a friendship with a new girl in class, but the girl begins to disrupt the lives of Sophia and her family. Sophia is then forced to uncover her friend's past and learn the truth before it's too late.

  • Wrong

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:昆汀·杜皮约   编剧:昆汀·杜皮约

    主演:杰克·普罗特尼克, 埃里克·朱多尔, 阿丽西丝·泽纳, 史蒂夫·李特, 威廉·菲克纳


  • 你咋了? What's wrong with you ?


    导演:Sebastian Zeglarski   编剧:Sebastian Zeglarski

    主演:Markus Innocenti, Sebastian Zeglarski

      A young man, thrown off track by a stroke of fate. Life gets out of his hands, as he is confronted with the abyss of his soul and becomes more and more enslaved by insanity. Soon his being only exists of delusion, nightmares, snuff films and a masked man who shows up again and again in every area. More and more his insanity gets mixed up with reality. What is wrong with him?

  • Wrong Way

    类型:惊悚片电影, 恐怖片电影

    导演:Ray Williams   编剧:

    主演:Laurel Canyon, Candy Sweet, Forrest Lorne, Ray Wray, Ron Namkram

      Two girls are driving home when their car breaks down in the country. They are kidnapped by a gang of drug-crazed hippies, and repeatedly raped. They escape, but soon run into a death cult who plan to gang-rape the girls, then kill them. Meanwhile, the father of one of the girls gets the police to begin an investigation into their disappearance.

  • Wrong Dose Bad Reactions

    类型:恐怖片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Yan Kaos   编剧:Yan Kaos


  • 搞错人 The Wrong Guy

    类型:喜剧片电影, 爱情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:大卫·斯坦伯格   编剧:

    主演:大卫·弗利, 詹妮弗·提莉, 大卫·安东尼·希金斯

      尼尔森(大卫·弗利 Dave Foley 饰)一直都因为和老板的女儿(詹妮弗·提莉 Jennifer Tilly 饰)谈恋爱而沾沾自喜,因为不出意外的话,尼尔森将成为老板的女婿,这也就意味着他可以顺理成章的成为公司的继承人。可是,让尼尔森没有想到的是,某一天,老板宣布了下一任总经理的人选,而这个人竟然不是他,被愤怒冲昏了头脑的尼尔森对老板发出了死亡的威胁。

  • 伸冤记 The Wrong Man

    类型:爱情片电影, 惊悚片电影

    导演:吉姆·麦克布莱德   编剧:Michael Thoma

    主演:罗姗娜·阿奎特, 约翰·利思戈

      US merchant sailor Alex Walker (Kevin Anderson) is stranded in Mexico, penniless and wanted by the police. He meets and joins up with an unlikely couple - aging but likable shit Phillip Mills (John Lithgow) and young sexy, frustated wife Missy (Rosanna Arquette). The three develop a curiously inter-dependent relationship. Meanwhile, Police Captain Diaz and Detective Ortega are ...

  • 致命弯道 Wrong Turn


    导演:罗布·施密特   编剧:阿兰·B·麦克埃尔罗伊

    主演:大卫·胡班, 韦恩·罗布森, James Downing, 戴斯蒙德·哈灵顿, 艾丽莎·杜什库, 埃曼纽尔·施莱琪, 杰瑞米·西斯托, 凯文·席格斯, 林蒂·布丝, 朱利安·瑞钦斯, Garry Robbins, Ted Clark, Yvonne Gaudry, Joel Harris

      克里斯(Desmond Harrington 戴斯蒙•哈林顿 饰)接到一份紧急的采访任务,他必须在3个小时之内赶到美国北卡罗来纳州的罗利市。原本应该顺利的形成却被一起交通事故打乱,一辆运载化学品的车辆翻倒,导致高速公路大塞车。万般无奈之下,克里斯选择一条人烟稀少的小路行进。
      另一方面,杰西(Eliza Dushku 艾丽莎•杜舒 饰)、卡莉(Emmanuelle Chriqui 曼纽尔•克莉琪 饰)、斯科特(Jeremy Sisto杰瑞米•西斯托 饰)、埃文(Kevin Zegers 凯文•席格斯 饰)和弗朗丝(Lindy Booth 林蒂•布丝 饰)等5位好友驱车前往山中露营游玩。谁知汽车半路离奇爆胎,等待救援时汽车又被突遇险情的克里斯撞上。众人结伴去附近求助,却未料到走入了变态食人魔所设下的重重陷阱……

  • 疯女儿 The Wrong Daughter


    导演:Ben Meyerson   编剧:Carlee Malemute, Jesenia Ruiz

    主演:Perry Laylon Ojeda, Max Wilbur, Jeanette O'Connor, Delpaneaux Wills, 艾普尔·鲍白, 西德妮·斯威尼, 森蒂·白丝柏, Kelsey Griswold, 乔恩·普莱斯科特, Gina Hiraizumi, 杰西·佩佩, Sierra Pond, Owen Saxon, 汤姆·伯克伦, 丽莎·坎宁


  • The Goes Wrong Show Season 1


    导演:马丁·丹尼斯   编剧:Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, Henry Shields

    主演:Henry Shields, Bryony Corrigan, Jonathan Sayer, Henry Lewis, 查理·罗素, Nancy Zamit, Greg Tannahill

      The Goes Wrong Show, will be written by and star the original founding Mischief Theatre members; Henry