
  • 极速前进:澳洲版 第四季 The Amazing Race Australia Season 4

    类型:冒险片电影, 运动片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:Michael McKay   编剧:埃利斯·多哥聂瑞, 贝塔曼·范·蒙斯特

    主演:Beau Ryan

      Eleven hopeful teams begin the Race in Seoul, South Korea. In the series, they will tackle trains, planes and camels as they ping-pong across the world in pursuit of the A$250,000 cash prize.

  • 加泰罗尼亚:独立运动面面观 Two Catalonias


    导演:阿尔瓦罗·隆戈里亚, 杰拉多·奥利瓦雷斯   编剧:


      A documentary that tackles the ideological conflicts surrounding the December 21 election in the country, to the push for sovereignty and subsequent parliamentary declaration of independence and the aftermath.

  • 矩阵故障 A Glitch in the Matrix


    导演:罗德尼·阿谢尔   编剧:

    主演:Nick Bostrom, Joshua Cooke, Erik Davis, Paul Gude

      Documentary filmmaker Rodney Ascher tackles this question "are we living in a simulation?" with testimony, philosophical evidence and scientific explanation in his for the answer.

  • 三个密西西比人 Three Mississippi


    导演:亚当·麦凯   编剧:西恩·安德斯, Robert Carlock

    主演:杰瑞米·雷纳, 马克·沃尔伯格, 威尔·法瑞尔, 亚历克·鲍德温

      A comedy centered on guys from rival towns who hold an annual tackle football game for bragging rights.

  • 拉塞尔·霍华德:重校准 Russell Howard: Recalibrate


    导演:   编剧:Russell Howard

    主演:Russell Howard

      Comedian Russell Howard brings his manic energy to a new stand-up special that tackles politics, childhood and why he's a jerk.

  • 边界线 Borderline


    导演:Lyne Charlebois   编剧:Marie Charlebois, Marie-Sissi Labrèche

    主演:Isabelle Blais, Angèle Coutu, Sylvie Drapeau, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Pierre-Luc Brillant

      A woman with borderline personality disorder struggles to escape from her emotional past in this disturbing portrait about mental illness. A box office smash in its native Quebec, this film tackles themes of familial madness and addictions.

  • 幸存者:毁灭边缘 第三十八季 Survivor: Edge of Extinction Season 38

    类型:冒险片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:乔·德米奥   编剧:查利·帕森斯

    主演:杰夫·普罗斯特, 罗布·马里亚诺, 乔·安格利姆, 奥布里·布拉科, 桑德拉·迪亚斯-泰因, 约翰·科克兰

      Castaways hover on the 'Edge of Extinction' in an all-new twist, and four returning players attempt to bond with their new tribemates. Also, castaways tackle a giant puzzle in their first immunity challenge of the season.@www.molikan.com

  • Roy Wood Jr.: Father Figure

    类型:喜剧片电影, 脱口秀片电影

    导演:Shannon Hartman   编剧:Roy Wood Jr.

    主演:Roy Wood Jr.

      Roy Wood Jr. tackles freeway protests, examines the origin of the blues and explains why the Confederate flag is sometimes helpful.

  • 不可遗忘 第六季 Unforgotten Season 6

    类型:剧情片电影, 悬疑片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:   编剧:克里斯·朗

    主演:桑吉夫·巴哈斯卡, 西妮德·基南

      As the pair tackle a murder that'll take them all the way from the wild north Devon coast, to the railroads of Birmingham, Alabama.

  • 舞蹈女王 Dancing Queen


    导演:奥罗拉·戈塞   编剧:Silje Holtet

    主演:Liv Elvira Kippersund Larsson, 坚吉兹·阿尔, Viljar Knutsen Bjaadal, 安妮·玛丽特·雅各布森, Anders Baasmo, 安德莉亚·巴伦·郝威格, Frida Ånnevik, Mona Berntsen, Sturla Puran Harbitz, Ylva Røsten-Haga

      A nerdy teenager at the start of a new school year, Mina is keen to fit in. But dance is about to make her stand out. This Norwegian comedy tackles the demons of self-doubt and body-image head on as a young girl dances her fears away.

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