
  • 脊柱 Spine


    导演:John Howard, Justin Simmonds   编剧:John Howard, Justin Simmonds

    主演:R. Eric Huxley, Janus Blythe, Lise Romanoff

      A madman stalks nurses, brutally stabbing them to death. In his fevered mind, he believes his victims to be a woman from his past named Linda. Police struggle to apprehend him before he can murder and mutilate again.

  • Chills Down Your Spine


    导演:Mathew Kister   编剧:Tony Crumpton, Mathew Kister, Lisa Kovanda, Chuck Mittan

    主演:Anastasia August, Clint Beaver, Michell Blodgett

      Jeff finds a new lamp in hopes of finding Sabiah only to discover her little sister Mahktoonah. The two then go on an odyssey to find and free Sabiah from a deranged killer while telling various horror stories to pass the time.

  • 夜脊 The Spine of Night

    类型:动画片电影, 恐怖片电影, 奇幻片电影

    导演:菲利普·盖拉特, Morgan Galen King   编剧:菲利普·盖拉特, Morgan Galen King

    主演:Maggie Lakis, Rob McClure, Malcolm Mills, Jordan Douglas Smith, 理查德·E·格兰特, 露西·劳莱丝, 帕顿·奥斯瓦尔特, 贝蒂·加布里埃尔, 乔·曼根尼罗, 帕特里克·布林, 拉瑞·凡斯登, 汤姆·里皮斯基, 尼娜·利安德雷罗, 艾碧该·萨维奇, Jason Gore

      以魔法之地为背景,邪恶之人为了获得权力,从巫女身上夺取黑魔法,并攻占各城镇,给人类带来了漫长的苦难。来自不同时代及文化的英雄们为了讨伐邪恶力量,联手展开一段血腥暴力的生存之战。 血溅横飞的画面风格,将本片的暴力美学展现到极致,而故事的惊人发展,也让整部电影的张力爆发到极点,宛如动画版〈权力游戏〉令人热血沸腾,是动画少见史诗格局的奇幻艺术杰作。