
  • 窗内 the inner side

    类型:剧情片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Danel Elpeleg   编剧:Danel Elpeleg

    主演:伊兰尼特·本雅克夫 Ilanit Ben-Yaakov, 丽娜特·马塔托夫 Rinat Matatov, Yoav Ohana

      艾雅是一名社会工作者,就职于某家庭联络中心。她透过玻璃窗, 观察孩子们和其分居父母的会面情况。一个不寻常的小孩,让她穿越到了窗子的另一面。

  • 雨色可可 side G 雨色ココアside G


    导演:石井久志   编剧:藤本冴香

    主演:松井惠理子, 花井美春, 小见川千明, 大森日雅, 原奈津子, 山田麻莉奈, 铃木爱奈, 堀川亮

      大学一年级学生·都仓碧因机缘巧合而来到咖啡厅“Rainy Color”打工。
      在那里,他遇到了冷酷的帅哥岩濑启一、举止轻率的樱木凉太、温柔又是女性杀手的“Rainy color”老板古贺紫苑、以及过于自由奔放的店主天见浩司。就这样,围绕“Rainy color”展开的充满热情的喜剧正式开演。这是在“Rainy Color”展开的真心喜剧!

  • 东边西边 East Side, West Side

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:茂文·勒鲁瓦   编剧:Marcia Davenport, 伊索贝尔·伦纳特

    主演:芭芭拉·斯坦威克, 詹姆斯·梅森, 凡·赫夫林, 艾娃·加德纳, 赛德·查里斯, 南希·里根, 盖尔·桑德加德, 威廉姆·康拉德

      Beautiful Isabel, who had an affair with Brandon before he married Jessie, is back in town. Following Isabel's return to New York, Brandon is involved in a brawl from which he is saved from total social-disgrace by Rosa, a model in a shop patronized by his wife. Jessie goes to thank Rosa and finds her rushing away to the airport to meet Mark, a former east-side policeman who ha...

  • Room Mate Room Mate ~One Room side M~


    导演:佐久间贵史   编剧:霜井苍星

    主演:前野智昭, 花江夏树, 鸟海浩辅

      运动细胞非常发达,看上去冷酷无情但是实际上十分温柔的苇原巧(前野智昭 配音)、小小年纪就已经是出色演员,一边演戏一边念书的仁科葵(花江夏树 配音)、身为著名企业的高管,个性十分严厉甚至稍稍有些施虐倾向,可是又存在着善解人意稳重可靠的一面的宫坂真也(鸟海浩辅 配音),居住在公寓里的,是这样三名性格迥异的男子。每一天,你看着他们进进出出,你们之间,会碰撞出怎样的火花呢?

  • Blind Side

    类型:剧情片电影, 爱情片电影, 犯罪片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Don Romantico

      A young playboy beds his sexy officemate, only to discover she has an equally delectable younger sister.The catch: little sis just recently lost her sight (and her boyfriend) from a car crash.The upside; she walks around in the nude thinking she’s all alone in the house with big sis.The playboy can’t believe his luck. He schemes to stay in the house while his new girlfriend goe...

  • 阴阳相成 Side by Side


    导演:克里斯托弗·肯尼利   编剧:克里斯托弗·肯尼利

    主演:罗伯特·罗德里格兹, 迈克尔·查普曼, 杰西·布拉德福特, 瑞德·穆拉诺, 格蕾塔·葛韦格, 理查德·林克莱特, 沃利·菲斯特, 莉娜·邓纳姆, 安东尼·多德·曼妥, 基努·里维斯, 大卫·芬奇, 马丁·斯科塞斯, 詹姆斯·卡梅隆, 史蒂文·索德伯格, 丹尼·博伊尔, 克里斯托弗·诺兰, 拉娜·沃卓斯基, 拉斯·冯·提尔, 大卫·林奇, 维托里奥·斯托拉罗, 乔治·卢卡斯, 维尔莫什·日格蒙德

      经过上百年的发展,胶片技术从蛮荒走到成熟,电影人采用化学摄影法创造了一个又一个经典和视觉奇迹。而当时间逐渐走向21世纪时,化学摄影法趋近临界点,几无上升空间,且越来越无法应对电影工业对新技术和全新拍摄手法、理念的诉求。与此同时,数字摄影方兴未艾,正以前所未有的势头进入传统技术固若金汤的电影领域。从Dogma 95对手提DV的使用,到乔治•卢卡斯大胆的HD摄影之应用,伴随着“顽固派”和“革新派”的政治和讨论,数字摄影蚕食着传统胶片的领土,逐渐成为当今电影工业的主流。在这一过程中,配光、摄影、剪辑等工作也相继受到冲击和影响。

  • This Side Up

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Liron Topaz   编剧:


      This was the most challenging and rewarding project I've worked on so far :) At Ringling we are in charge of every aspect of the film, from concept to Animation..
      I still have a few things I want to fix and will probably post a fixed version in the future, but for now, Enjoy!
      Special thanks to Keith Osborn - my faculty advisor on the film, Billy Merritt my pre-production instru...

  • mu:fully B SIDE 뮤플리

    类型:短片电影, 真人秀片电影

    导演:   编剧:

    主演:Stray Kids, 方灿, 李旻浩, 徐彰彬, 韩知城, 黄铉辰, 李费利克斯, 金昇玟, 梁精寅

      Stray Kids团综mu:fully B SIDE

  • This Side of History

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:John Hulsey   编剧:


      Shmuel Gonzales is the living proof of the resilience of the immigrant communities that forged the United States: didn’t his Mexican and Jewish ancestors make it to Los Angeles? In any case, this is what he repeats to himself in order to cope with the trauma of now feeling a foreigner in his own country – due to the remarks and plans of Donald Trump, but also to the transformat...

  • The Still Side


    导演:Miko REVEREZA, Carolina FUSILIER   编剧:


      The film navigates this aftermath observing the signs of an evacuated civilisation. Marine life is represented in murals and as forms of architectural ornamentation. A dolphin remains still, joyfully stuck in mid air, turned to stone. In contrast to constant life and movement underwater, the other side remains still, quiet, and solid in a concrete-made world. Occasionally, the ...