
  • 铭记在心 Man saei mikonam faramoush nakonam


    导演:Pegah Ahangarani   编剧:


      Pegah talks about Gholam, a man who’s not like her father, mother, uncles, or aunts, even though he’s always present at family gatherings. Gholam films these everyday scenes with his own camera. At the time, Pegah can’t imagine what the purpose of these films might be, but she’s happy to pose before the lens of this family friend, who she’s certainly very fond of.
      It is as if P...

  • 白色面具下 Onder Het Witte Masker: de Film Die Haesaerts Had Kunnen Maken

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Matthias De Groof   编剧:艾梅·塞泽尔

    主演:Maravilha Munto

      Under the White Mask: The Film Haesaerts Could Have Made uses fragments of Under the Black Mask, a 1958 film about Congolese art directed by the Belgian artist Paul Haesaerts, which has been qualified as colonial propaganda. This new film imagines what the masks – now subjects, and not objects – would say. Aimé Césaire’s Discourse on Colonialism is spoken in Lingala for the fir...

  • 巴塞 Bassae

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:Jean-Daniel Pollet   编剧:



  • 自由 La Libertad


    导演:利桑德罗·阿隆索   编剧:利桑德罗·阿隆索

    主演:米萨埃尔·萨维德拉, Humberto Estrada, Rafael Estrada, Omar Didino, Javier Didino

      影片展現了人迹罕見的阿根廷彭巴(The Pampa)草原上一位孤獨伐木工的生活,人物對白極少,幾乎就是一部紀錄片。影片采用倒叙(亦可理解爲環形結構),伐木工米薩爾(Misael)在雷聲中進食,火光映紅他帶有印第安人特征的面孔。随後影片開始叙述他在過去一日中的一系列行爲:伐木,去枝削皮,午休,等朋友開 ... 車接送木材,半途朋友下車,他開車,賣木頭給收購人,讨價還價,到小賣店買煙,和店主閑聊,将車子交還...

  • 月下的共同墓地 월하의 공동묘지


    导演:Cheol-hwi Kwon   编剧:权泽辉


      The kisaeng (korean geisha) Wol-ha marries Kim Han-su, but soon dies because of a false accusation made up by her husbands mother and her servant. Now the ghost of Wol-ha wants revenge!