
  • 月亮代表我的心 The Moon Represents My Heart


    导演:   编剧:Pim Wangtechawat


      Follows a British-Chinese family who are secretly ale to time travel, and after the parents disappear, their son and daughter look for them across time while coming of age as adults.

  • Romantic Warriors III: Canterbury Tales


    导演:Adele Schmidt, Jose Zegarra Holder   编剧:

    主演:David Sinclair, Fred Rother, Robert-Jan Stips, Didier Thibault, Theo Travis, Vasco Trilla, Brian Hopper, Aymeric Leroy, Bill MacCormick, Joel Magill, Liam Magill, Didier Malherbe, Phil Miller, Benoît Moerlen, Alfonso Muñoz, 大卫·纽豪斯, Daevid Allen, Roy Babbington, Raven Bush, Dirk Campbell, Marc Capel, Michel Delville, John Etheridge, Patrick Forgas, Bruce Gallanter, Pye Hastings, Leonardo Pavkovic, 杰弗里·奈特

      The emergence of the Canterbury Scene in the late 60s represents a remarkable period in the history of British progressive rock music, and notably, the development of Jazz Rock.

  • 能源百年 Um Século de Energia

    类型:纪录片电影, 短片电影

    导演:曼努埃尔·德·奥利维拉   编剧:


      Manoel de Oliveira shows us what the evolution of energy represents, through a retrospective of the last century, exploring the three technics that EDP uses in order to produce electricity: hydric, wind, and solar.