
  • 电影放映员 The Projectionist


    导演:阿贝尔·费拉拉   编剧:

    主演:阿贝尔·费拉拉, Nicolas Nicolaou

      For much of the last half century, Cyprus-born theater operator Nick Nicolaou has lived and breathed the world of New York City cinema. Starting with the Times Square’ adult film houses of the 1970’s and moving through decades of forced change at the hands of city regulation, chain takeovers, and vast cultural shifts, Nicolaou now exists as one of the last truly independent the...

  • 恐惧之城 La cité de la peur


    导演:Alain Berbérian   编剧:阿兰·夏巴, 多米尼克·费赫加

    主演:尚塔尔·罗比, 赫拉德·达拉蒙, 阿兰·夏巴, 多米尼克·费赫加, 瓦莱丽·勒梅西埃, 切基·卡尤, 让-皮埃尔·巴克里, 丹尼尔·盖林, 埃迪·米切尔, 让-克里斯托夫·布维

      A second-class horror movie has to be shown at Cannes Film Festival, but, before each screening, the projectionist is killed by a mysterious fellow, with hammer and sickle, just as it happens in the film to be shown...

  • 马斯卡彭 Mascarpone


    导演:Jonas Riemer   编剧:

    主演:Yannick Fischer, Jörg Moukaddam, Cornelia Ivancan

      Der verträumte Filmvorführer Francis wird durch einen Unfall in die Welt des skrupellosen Gangsters Mascarpone gerissen.
      A car crash thrusts Francis, the dreamy film projectionist, into the world of the ruthless gangster Mascarpone.