
  • 爱玩的牧神 Playful Pan

    类型:动画片电影, 短片电影

    导演:伯特·吉列特   编剧:


      The mythological satyr plays some tunes on his pipes and gets various flora and fauna dancing to them. Two clouds also dance; they bump into each other, causing lightning strikes that start a forest fire. The animals rush to escape the fire. Finally, an animal comes to tell Pan of the fire; he rushes to it, and gets it to dance to his tune, right into the lake.

  • 贪玩的布鲁托 Playful Pluto

    类型:喜剧片电影, 动画片电影, 短片电影, 家庭片电影

    导演:伯特·吉列特   编剧:

    主演:品托·考维格, 华特·迪士尼

      秋天到了,清爽凉快的日子里,心情不错的米老鼠(华特·迪士尼 Walt Disney 配音)正整理院子中的落叶。忠实的狗狗普鲁托(品托·考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)受到主人的感染,也在一旁跳来跳去,快乐玩耍。米奇拿出树枝和狗狗玩耍,主仆两个都无比快乐。这时,院子外刮起一阵旋风,呼啸着冲了进来,不禁吓了普鲁托一跳,还把刚刚整理好的树叶弄乱。普鲁托生气地冲上前去,反倒帮了倒忙。米奇本来很生气,但他不忍心责备爱犬。米奇打开水龙头,喷涌出的水又弄得普鲁托无比慌张。这时候,水泵似乎出了问题,他们来到地下室检查,结果惹出了新的麻烦。

  • 王子学院之顽皮艺术生 U-Prince Series : Playful Comm-Arts


    导演:   编剧:

    主演:那瓦·蓬朴提岸 White Nawat Phumphothi-ngam, 苼楠塔茬·塔纳潘披散 Fon Sananthachat Thanapatpisal


  • Dear Chantal


    导演:Nicolás Pereda   编剧:


      Nicolás Pereda’s playful and moving film narrates letters to Belgian filmmaker Chantal Akerman about a short-term apartment rental in Mexico City, as we see the modern abode tidied and organized — tranquil signs of life.

  • 大怪扎 The Grand Bizarre


    导演:茱迪·麦克   编剧:茱迪·麦克


      A playful trip around the world, through its fabrics and textiles and their place in a busy international market.

  • Images pour Debussy


    导演:让·米特里   编剧:


      This film illustrates Debussy's works "En bateau", "Arabesques", "Reflets dans l'eau" and "Arabesques en sol". As a visual counterpoint to the music it shows playful reflections, transparencies, and iridescence of water.

  • 威尼斯人 Venetianskan

    类型:剧情片电影, 喜剧片电影

    导演:英格玛·伯格曼   编剧:Bertil Bodén, Giacomo Oreglia

    主演:福尔谢·松德奎斯特, Eva Stiberg, 毛德·汉松, 古内尔·林德布洛姆, Helena Reuterblad, 斯图雷·拉格瓦尔

      A playful comedia dell'arte from the 1600 century that was shown live on Swedish Television February 21st, 1958.
      A young beautiful man from Milan arrives at the carnival in Venice. He meets two flirtatious women.

  • 湖边 Au bord du lac


    导演:帕特里克·博卡诺夫斯基   编剧:


      In this whimsical and playful film, Bokanowski returns to the complex optical array of pinholes, mirrors, prisms, and refractive substrates of his earlier film, La Plage.

  • 棱镜 Prism


    导演:Rosine Mfetgo Mbakam, An van Dienderen, Éléonore Yaméogo   编剧:Rosine Mfetgo Mbakam, An van Dienderen, Éléonore Yaméogo

    主演:Lydia Zei, 西尔维斯特·阿穆苏, Jean-Dominique Burton, David Fricker, Tella Kpomahou, Patrick Leboutte, Moya Michael, Thierry Odeyn, 杰罗恩·佩瑟瓦尔, Bwanga Pilipili, Diarra Sourank, Maureen Vandenberghe

      The lighting for movie cameras has always been calibrated for white skin; three filmmakers collectively explore the literal, theoretical, and philosophical dimensions of that reality in this discursive, playful, and profound work of nonfiction.